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Rick ? about Cimex

January 25 2007 at 1:47 PM
Joe M 

Just picked it up today. Looks good.

My question to you is I have an unheated grage, can I store the mex there. I have it covered up and it is a lot more easy to keep it there then bring it in the basement up & down ten steps.

Do I need to be concerned about it freezing up. We do get temps in the 20's here sometimes.

Joe M


no worries Joe :)

January 25 2007, 2:58 PM 

my 'Mex has refrozen HUNDREDS & HUNDREDS of times over the last near 3 years, with no ill repercussions to the sol tank, hoses/sol lines, or mechanicals.

just empty out the sol tank when it drops below 30 degrees outside. i've learned the hard way on demo's / job's to have to wait for a half-full sol tank to thaw out...ARGHHH

when i empty it, the bottom of the sol tank & the sol lines still freeze up every time of course. but what you do is when you get to a job / demo, 1st thing you HAVE to do is bring in Big Yella and i pour my hot water in the sol tank and let it sit while i pre-vac. the sol lines thaw out in about 5-20 get used to it, no biggie.

you southerners don't know how good ya got it!!

hope this helps some --- Derek.

Brian Vanous

Re: no worries Joe :)

January 25 2007, 3:14 PM 

I use a cord clip to hold the trigger open on mine on the drive home, usually jiggles everything out of tank and lines then. And like was said, use hot water when ya get there.



Rick Gelinas

Re: no worries Joe :)

January 25 2007, 4:18 PM 

Freezing? What's that??? It's 70 degrees outside! Just messing with ya.

Two cold weather guys gave some sound comments above.

As Derek mentioned, freezing will NOT hurt the Cimex.

There aren't any sealed lines on the Mex, so expansion from freezing won't cause any problem at all.


Rick Gelinas


Re: no worries Joe :)

January 25 2007, 4:40 PM 

another GREAT advantage of the cimex it sits in my van at all times lol. at this time last year my truckmount fell apart due to the cold weather everything broke apart especially the heater coils and the blower was all locked up and how about when you run the solution and even the vacume hose in the cold it freezes solid lol i dont miss that at all i lost 50% of my $$$ by selling it in only 1 year but it took a big load off of my mind with all the headaches truckmounts cause thank god for these great chems and aggitators it makes my portable work like a champion everytime and i can actually make a profit now go figure and i can work 52 weeks out of the year .

Joe M

Thanks guys

January 25 2007, 5:01 PM 

Thanks for the info.

By the way, just got my oil heat bill 100 gal for only $230.00

I better get out there with big yeller and start making some $$.

I am planning on moving to Lancaster PA in a few months where it is really warm from all the cow poop.

This message has been edited by jtmellon on Jan 25, 2007 5:04 PM

Current Topic - Rick ? about Cimex
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