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Concrete polishing w/ std cimex?

January 29 2007 at 5:48 PM
Chris Augusto  

Has anyone tried or currently polishing concrete w/ the standard cimex w/ the stone package. I was interested in doing residential garages, and I know the concrete is alot softer than commercial. Just trying to save some bucks w/out investing in another piece of equipment.

Thanks in advance...


Del Scrivner

RE: Concrete polishing w/ std cimex?

January 29 2007, 6:45 PM 

I may be mistaken but I belive Rick's broter, David Gelinas, is the concrete polishing/grinding guru.

Good luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Concrete Polishing

January 29 2007, 10:23 PM 

I worked with Dave G up here (Atlanta) on polishing a concrete floor in a garage with my regular Cimex. I don't have the weight package, Dave had the pads and we added some weights from a weight machine (not the way to go).
It was a little slow but yes you can do it and do a good job. Dave is a perfectionist and I was able to get it to where you could see your reflection in parts of the floor before I had to go back to my paying job and Dave finished up.
But from what I've seen on other ground floors they were no where near the quality Dave does and you could do that easily. (Don't let this go to your head Dave)



January 29 2007, 11:33 PM 

Sorry for the kurt reply - thumb typing on a Treo in NC
Yes it will work fine as RL mentioned, just a little slower - about half as fast. But considering you'll still be 4Xs faster than a weighted swing machine you'll be ahead of the game. I actually know of a few guys polishing with the standard machine.
I hope that helps some, I'll be back in the office Thursday.
David Gelinas


Re: Concrete polishing w/ std cimex?

January 30 2007, 2:30 AM 

i have i have....i have done about 5 jobs...and yes DG knows his crap....but if you dont have the money for the weight kit i have an idea...and you can add...well i have done 125 lbs of extra weight...

call me its easier to talk then type...


i will be up after 11 am MST


Mr. Foor Guy

January 30 2007, 8:42 AM 

Doug, Can we talk? What is the best time to call you, or you can call me direct @ 404-849-2724 Thanks

Current Topic - Concrete polishing w/ std cimex?
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