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What a Board

January 30 2007 at 8:57 AM

We have Rick G. (commercial expert) Dave G. (marbleman) and Floorguy, what more do you need? I have said it before and I will say it again. This is the best run board of all that I visit, and I visit quite a few. My hat is off to you Rick, you have done a great job. I knew when you beat me in the "cleanoff" at the first VLM meeting in Macon, Ga. with that ugly, cumbersome Chemstractor against the Paul Lucas bonnet system I was using at the time. I knew you would do great things in VLM, and you did. I often wonder how differently things would have turned out if I would have used my truckmount (which I left sitting in the parking lot) and blew you away. LOL


Re: What a Board

January 30 2007, 11:30 AM 

i agree, this forum has done more for my biz that i could have imagine. thanx for the hard work of admin'ing around here Rick!

have a great day --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

I'll agree

January 30 2007, 4:24 PM 

I appreciate the fact that I can come hear and get answers. It is a great board. Thanks Rick.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas


January 30 2007, 5:34 PM 

You guys are very welcome!

Rick Gelinas

Jamie Menard


January 30 2007, 5:44 PM 

I hope the cleaners that use this board know what we have. Great support and help, and no fee. Thanks Rick.


An Example of what I am Talking about...

January 30 2007, 7:38 PM 

I have a upcoming marble job this Saturday and Rick advised using my swing machine. The machine I use is a Betco 2sp 175/320 1&1/2 hp and it only weighs 49 lbs. That is correct 49 lbs. Rick also recommended hogs hair pads (Gorilla) but I needed help on the weight problem. I asked Floor Guy to call me today and he did. He told me how to add 50 lbs to the machine for less than $30.00. I did it this afternoon and the machine works like a champ. I can add the weights in 10 seconds and remove them even faster. THANK YOU Doug, it is people like you too that make this board great.

Doug Payne

your welcome

February 1 2007, 5:28 PM 

hopefully that will work out for you....lord knows how many times i have gone to part shops for various things, and they always want to know "WHAT DOES IT GO ON??" i tell them dont worry about it do you have something kinda like this...and show them or explain it to them....

man i would have been great in the old days when we actually used are brains to figure things out instead of silly computers and "WHAT DOES IT GO ON/TO???"


kindness never obliterated

January 30 2007, 7:40 PM 

In most places when you're new,its discouraging, you're made to feel like an outcast until your dues are paid. NOT HERE THOUGH! You guys are encouraging! Thanks Rick

Your Servant


The Board

January 31 2007, 6:46 AM 

I appreciate all the good info from this board. It's like an on going class. Their is always something to learn here!



Re: The Board

January 31 2007, 7:08 AM 

I to have learned a thing or two on this Board also. of all the boards i think this one is also the most fulfilling and direct to the point. without all the bashing and childishness lol that goes on the others getting banned and such

Mark Dullea

To Rambo re. marble

January 31 2007, 11:09 AM 

A tip I learned from Fred Hueston at his marble refinishing course: (assuming you are talking about refinishing the marble, not simply cleaning it): instead of the usualy 6 diamond abrasives on the driver, use just 3 instead. By so doing you make up for being underweight by doubling the downward psi on the reduced number of abrasives.


Re: To Rambo re. marble

January 31 2007, 3:14 PM 

Thanks for the tip Mark. This job is marble polishing only, using Ricks 5 Extra marble polish.

David Gelinas

Re: To Rambo re. marble

January 31 2007, 4:48 PM 

I know it’s not Thursday yet but I was able to get into the office a day earlier – all of my limbs are in the same location as when I left for NC, just a little more sore.

Mark brings up a good point when it comes to weight and doing diamond work. “Most of the time” you want about 25 – 30 lbs per 3” diamond. I’m pretty certain he’s making reference to using a weighted swing machine when he’s talking about going from 6 diamonds down to 3. On a Cimex most of the time you’re running 9 diamonds / 3 per head. You could (and I have) drop down to two diamonds per head to make up for lower weight, but as with everything in life there’s a trade off. If you do go that way you’ll just cut a little slower still and you want to make certain that you get the diamonds as close to even as possible so the machine runs as balanced as possible. For the most part we run between 222 – 325+lbs of head weight on our machines but most of the time we’re around 300lbs.

Ray on the other hand is talking about powder polishing and with that you want to be around 135lbs of head weight.

To Ray and the others, thanks for the kind words. I’m always available to help whenever I can and I know Rick is always available too. When it comes down to it though this board is really a community; there are soooo many, from all over the world if you think about it, that add to this board and make it the place that it is. So back at you all on the kudos, keep up the good work and keep making this board such a great place.

David Gelinas

Mark Hart

Ditto to All

January 31 2007, 5:04 PM 

Lately, I've become more of a lurker than a participator here. Yet, last week I was thinking the same exact thing as Ray. I read every entry and even though I have not had the time to respond they way I would like, know that I've learned more in the last 2 years on this board, than in the previous ten. Thanks Rick, Dave, Rambo and all the rest of you.

Current Topic - What a Board
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