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Cimex trouble

January 31 2007 at 11:44 AM
Clint Parnell  

I have a cimex that is less than a year old. It seems like it is lacking power. We used to be able to clean with the handle at any position, now it will stop spinning if the handle is not as low as it can go. Anyone had this happen before?


Re: Cimex trouble

January 31 2007, 3:38 PM 

not me Clint.

only thing i can think of is that the belt needs replacement? the handle in the lowest position means that is the angle with the least amount of weight on the cleaning head. so it must be the belt is toasted and doesn't want to turn the machine anymore --- is my guess.

ever changed the belt? i have a spare i bought 6 months ago.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Cimex trouble

January 31 2007, 3:55 PM 

When it's cold they will do that till the belt gets warm.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex trouble

January 31 2007, 4:58 PM 

What Darwin said is correct. The rubber belt can get stiff when it gets cold.

It's best to always lift the head of the machine when you start the motor. Let the motor run for a minute and squeeze out a little juice before you put the head onto the carpet and begin cleaning. This will take the load off, warm up the belt, and extend belt life.

One possibility that can create extra drag is if the plumbing is getting clogged. Clean out the plumbing regularly (at least once a month) so that there's plenty of good flow to all 3 heads...

And it may be time to consider a new belt. AS the belt wears and slipping (bogging down) can occur. Call our office for a new belt if you need one. And that should put you back in business.

If you need help you can also shoot me an email

Rick Gelinas

Clint Parnell

Re: Cimex trouble

January 31 2007, 7:55 PM 

Thanks guys! I do live in Wisconsin so the cold thing might not be to far off. However we do keep it in a heated shop and the machine was inside for about an hour at the job where we first had trouble. After that job, I ran hot water through the lines. It didn't seem like that fixed the problem. I also checked the belt it seemed tight and I didn't see any signs of wear. How often should the belt be changed?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex trouble

January 31 2007, 10:12 PM 

The belts won't normally "look" like they need to be replaced. The rubber just begins to stretch and slippage begins to occur. When they start to slip and the machine bogs down that's generally a pretty good indication that the belt's life is fading. There's no exact belt life, since there are variables that can't be factored (operator usage, texture of surfaces cleaned, etc). Yet we normally find that belts last at least a couple of years or more. Very rarely they'll wear out in a year or so, but that's not too common. If I can assist you don't hesitate to get in touch -

Rick Gelinas

Mark Hart

They don't make em like they used ta!

January 31 2007, 11:53 PM 

I have two machines. The first one is a 15" machine I bought used in 1995. I have never had to replace the belt. In the 12 years I've had the machine all I've had to do was replace the bracket that the tank sits on, repair a leak in the tank where the nub enters the tank at the bottom, put velcro on the bracket & bottom of the tank to keep it from riding up when I dispense solution & replace rubber grommets on the brushes. I've never had to clean out the solution lines.

In 2 1/2 years with the new machine I've had to replace the belt, the set screw in the handle, repair a leak in the tank in the same spot as the older machine & monthly clean the solution lines.


Re: They don't make em like they used ta!

February 1 2007, 1:56 AM 

wow Mark, you must put that baby to good use...nice!

take care Bro --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Keeping it in perspective

February 1 2007, 7:09 AM 


I think the OLD belts (10 years ago) might have been a little better. Don't know for sure, just rumors I've heard.

Now keep in mind, a belt sells for $82 (with free shipping). And most machines will run for at least a couple of years before the belt needs replacing. Let's look at the numbers; a million square feet of carpet, times X per sq ft, divided by $82. How badly is it going to break the bank to keep 'er running in tip top shape?

Heck. When you factor in that we send a FREE case of DS with a new Cimex...
A new machine gets paid for, and well over a grand of profit is made with that first free case of detergent. This system is SO PROFITABLE that a few crumbs of maintenance tossed toward the Cimex every once in a while shouldn't be a big deal. You change the oil in your care don't you? IMHO the profit FAR exceeds the surprisingly small amount of maintenance required. Try operating a truckmount. LOL

Rick Gelinas


Re: Keeping it in perspective

February 1 2007, 11:47 AM 

absolutely Rick. i think we (i) get so spoiled with this thing's durability, i gotta complain about SOMETHING from time to time

thanx --- Derek.

Danny Strickland

Re: Keeping it in perspective

February 1 2007, 1:28 PM 

a rifle cleaning kit makes short work of cleaning out the Cimex!

Current Topic - Cimex trouble
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