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OK I know a rookie question but I am asking anyway

February 2 2007 at 3:32 PM

I know how well releaseit works with the fiber plus pads. I also know that Punch does very well as a prespray. I have a job booked next week. Very soiled traffic lanes.(Salt sand and parking lot asphalt) I was thinking about OP'ing instead of the fiberplus pads. Would OP'ing with my Orek Lowboy be better or would I be ok with just fiber plus pads and prespraying with punch. Or should I not pad at all with the releaseit system...

This message has been edited by Steveretalic on Feb 2, 2007 3:38 PM
This message has been edited by Steveretalic on Feb 2, 2007 3:33 PM


Re: OK I know a rookie question but I am asking anyway

February 2 2007, 4:41 PM 

i usually use Punch to OP w/ Challenger, works great. as to which u should use, Cimex or Oreck, i've no idea. others may pipe in.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: OK I know a rookie question but I am asking anyway

February 2 2007, 5:36 PM 

OP will work great for that.

You might possibly want to pre-scrub a little first with the FiberPlus pads to open up the pile if it's really bad. And then follow up with your bonnet/pads.

I think you'll see nice results.

Rick Gelinas

Jay White

Just send me the clinets name and info..........

February 3 2007, 9:48 AM 

and I will take care of it for you. LOL

Hi Steve,

Like Rick said, vac, vac, and vac, scrub first with fiberplus and then pad afterwards. Punch or Encap-clean, either one should work for you.

Good luck.




February 3 2007, 10:33 AM 

WOW I am going to have to print screen this and pin it up om my wall!!!!


LOL Just giving you a hard time Jay... Thanks for the input... I dont get to use this system as often as I like to.... So I guess I am still on the learning curve..

Woud like to see you and Jill post more often I know you two could bring a lot to these boards...



February 3 2007, 3:58 PM 

hi Jay

so you have a bit of commercial experience? PLEASE post more! always good to get everyone's perspective.

have a great weekend --- Colts 17 ~ Bears 10 --- Derek.

Current Topic - OK I know a rookie question but I am asking anyway
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS