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Finished my first marble polishing job today..

February 3 2007 at 9:44 PM

and now I have a new respect for Dave Gelanis. Dude, you make it look easy. CCing is easy compared to this. The 5 Extra powder worked great, it was after that, that the going got rough. My biggest problem was getting all of that residue (marble powder) off the marble. Hey, I'm sure I didn't do it right, but it's hard to teach an old dog a new trick.



February 4 2007, 10:27 AM 

Please forgive me for mis-spelling your name David. It should have been, Gelinas


Re: Sorry

February 4 2007, 11:38 AM 

Ray- Do you use a Cimex, or a weighted rotary? We use the 5X from Rick with our 17" weighted floor machine. The powder all over the place used to be a real pain; then we tried it a different way. We used to sprinkle the powder on the floor, get it wet, then work it. Now we put it in a 15" diameter, wet it, and place the pad directly over it. This way it stays under the pad more and doesn't create a lot of powder flying all over the place. What a difference for us! Maybe Dave can tell me if what I'm doing is OK or not; so far, the results have been excellent.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Re: Sorry

February 4 2007, 12:58 PM 

Kevin, I am useing a weighted 17" 1&1/2 hp Betco swing machine. I put a 1" dowel rod in the center of the motor cover sticking up 3" and then place two 25Lb weights I bought at Wal-Mart for $31.00, works great. I was going to use my Cimex, but Rick told me the swing machine would be better. The instructions on the container of 5 Extra said to place the powder under the pad as you described. My problem was not the powder that got on the carpeted areas but the marks(kind of like a bad mop job) that I could not get completly out. This bank feels that I am some kind of a carpet god the way we make the carpet look after we clean it. I am a little concerned that the marble doesn't look as well as I think it should. I thought about going over it w/ a steel wool pad but did not have one with me.


Maybe I should have...

February 4 2007, 1:00 PM 

Kevin, I am useing a weighted 17" 1&1/2 hp Betco swing machine. I put a 1" dowel rod in the center of the motor cover sticking up 3" and then place two 25Lb weights I bought at Wal-Mart for $31.00, works great. I was going to use my Cimex, but Rick told me the swing machine would be better. The instructions on the container of 5 Extra said to place the powder under the pad as you described. My problem was not the powder that got on the carpeted areas but the marks(kind of like a bad mop job) that I could not get completly out. This bank feels that I am some kind of a carpet god the way we make the carpet look after we clean it. I am a little concerned that the marble doesn't look as well as I think it should. I thought about going over it w/ a steel wool pad but did not have one with me.

Current Topic - Finished my first marble polishing job today..
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