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Weight for Cimex

February 4 2007 at 10:40 AM

Joe DeSouza  

Hey guys, i was wondering if there is a quick and easy way to add weight to the cimex without having to buy the weight set...Reason I ask is that I tried the Cimex on a tile job a couple of weeks ago, and the brushes didnt dig in to the grout lines that well(They were fairly deep)...When I pushed down on the motor cover you can hear and feel the brushes digging in. I didnt like the idea of pushing down on the plastic cover! Just looking for a temporary solution...I REALLY want to get into stone restoration; once I get some training I want to outfit the cimex properly...




Re: Weight for Cimex

February 4 2007, 11:42 AM 


In the past with my rotary, I've used a scuba belt with weights strapped around the motor. Very secure and easy to put on/remove. A 'regular' belt with the old lead weights should be very inexpensive. could get the colored rubber weights to match the blue/yellow! Very cool...I can see Derek going to the scuba shop as we speak...

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning

mark thomas

neat idea

February 4 2007, 4:23 PM 

thats a neat idea... scuba weights are inexpensive around here... just don't leat the yunggins chew on the lead bars


Rick Gelinas

Try this

February 5 2007, 9:45 PM 

Here's what I recommend, and a lot of guys have done this successfully.

Build a shelf extending from the fork of the machine and up over the top of the motor.

~ Get a piece of 2"x6" wood. (About a 3 foot lengths is all you'll need)

~ Form a simple bracket to attach the wood to the fork of the Cimex. (Just about any metal strap or bracket can be adapted for this task)

~ Extend a piece of wood upward from each fork. Then build a shelf across the top of the 2 uprights.

~ Now add 40-50 pounds of weight to the top of the shelf. Voila!

It's a simple way to add weight. It's not as pretty as the pricey weight set from Cimex. But then again it's not as pricey either.

Rick Gelinas


Joe DeSouza

Re: Try this

February 5 2007, 10:37 PM 

Thanks again, Rick!! As always, I appreciate your help...


Current Topic - Weight for Cimex
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