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Yet an other Rookie question...

February 5 2007 at 9:01 AM

OK folks. I know there are OP specific detergents. However I was wondering if I presprayed with my regular traffic lane cleaner, Then took the OP pad and soaked in water and added an acid rinse to the water would that work on a residential carpet?

My regular prespray is Chemspecs TLC and I use chemspecs fiber rinse...


This message has been edited by Steveretalic on Feb 5, 2007 9:02 AM
This message has been edited by Steveretalic on Feb 5, 2007 9:01 AM


Why not try.....

February 5 2007, 9:43 AM 

Those chems are best suited to HWE. I am sure you would end up with residue, as there would not be any "encapsulating" going on. Why not use Encap Punch with your OP method? It was formulated for the OP and Bonnet system and works great with them. Chemicals are the least expensive part of business. I wish you well.


Re: Why not try.....

February 5 2007, 3:44 PM 

When an acid rinse is applied over a carpet, it is applied over the entire carpet at a pre-determined rate.

Soaking a pad in this solution would not take long to dissipate.

The first bit of carpet would get the bulk of the acid rinse, this would then deplete as you moved across the carpet.

You would end up with a sticky residue that would attract soiling quicker.

Same for the water soaked pads, they would start to take on detergent, thus reducing the rinsing you hoped for.

Using solutions the way they are designed to be used will most times get the best results.

Final tweaking is up to the individual on each particular carpet.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Current Topic - Yet an other Rookie question...
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