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when did you choose commercial over resi?

February 5 2007 at 12:11 PM
mark thomas  

for those that primarly do commercial over residential... how long in was it before you starting pushing on the commercial jobs?

the more and more I read about commercial work the more I'd like to start pushing for some nice comm accounts, talking with my church tommarow so that'd be a start.

just wondering

Jamie Menard

Right away

February 5 2007, 5:43 PM 

As soon as I understood the Cimex/Releasit system I converted all 60 of my commercial accounts to the Low Moisture Method. I still use my Butler HWE on 75% of all residential. I put 80% of my marketing on commercial. Run the nymbers. No reason to wait. I need to keep residential because of my market.
I thought my comercial customers would ask why the new system,but only a few asked. They would comment "well you are the one that knows what to do." It took many years to earn the trust of my customers. The change makes for good business. So start right away. If you don't someone will.

Bill Grafton

Right away

February 5 2007, 6:36 PM 

Jamie is absolutely right. I was cleaning day care schools with the stemin demon and it was a lot of work. After buying the Cimex from Rick, I told my first school location I was going to use a new carpet cleaning system. Bad, bad idea. Their response after the cleaning was one of "We prefer the old system, we don't think the carpets look as clean." From then on I never said a thing to anyone. I just switched. It as been over a year now, and all my commercial accounts praise my cleaning ability. I recently asked the gals in the infants room how soon after I've cleaned (using Releasit) do you begin to see dirt stains on the knees and socks of the crawling infants. Answer - usually just before you come back to clean again. (4 week schedule). Cimexing is easier, faster, customers love it, I love it - just go do it!


Fred Geyen

Re: Right away

February 5 2007, 8:18 PM 

We first did commercial 15-18 years ago. We used bonnet systems then. Soon we switched many of our accounts to the Wittaker (sp) system. Rick has done alot to get the systems out to many many more cleaners.

"Commercial Only"

mark thomas

good info... butt

February 6 2007, 12:34 AM 

good reading but i think i was a little missunderstood...

when you started up your biz... how long was it before you started going after mostly commercial accounts over the resi accounts?


Rick Gelinas

Commercial from the get go

February 6 2007, 8:04 AM 

I started my business COMMERCIAL ONLY back in 1982. At the end of the 90's I decided to forge into residential. I figured, my trucks sit there all day waiting to go out to work at night - they might as well generate some money during the day. We pursued the residential market and built it up for a couple of years. I HATED it. After that I dumped all of the residential so I could focus all of my attention to commercial. Commercial is where my heart is. Easier and more constant money IMHO.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 6, 2007 8:05 AM


Re: Commercial from the get go

February 6 2007, 8:35 AM 

Admit it Rick, you just couldn't handle it (residential) LOL. I have to agree with Rick. I am at 60% commercial now. I started out commercial only and over a 10 year period I switched to 90% residential. I am slowly switching back to commercial now.


Commercial over residential

February 6 2007, 10:14 AM 

After I did my first commercial job I was hooked. Running back and forth to the truck on residential up and down stairs in the hot humid Ga summers for a few hundred $'s. Pull up unload the Cimex couple of jugs if releasit, measuring
cup and pail and start pushing for a lot more.
Having said that I probaly am also at 60% commercial and 40% residential it is nice to have the instant payment from residential vs the wait for the check commercial.

mark thomas

Re: Commercial over residential

February 6 2007, 12:13 PM 

what did you guys use when you started in the commercial work? go stright to a cimex for some of you?... anyone start smaller with an OP machine?...

I need to read up a lot more on commercial work, seems like something i'd like to do.



February 6 2007, 6:05 PM 

I went straight to the Cimex as I had a 15,000 sq ft job that signed a maintenance and two large pre schools that committed to me. If you have accounts that have alot of spills or dropped food (droppage as I call it lol)
the Cimex is the only way to go. I could go on and on about accts that I've gotten because of it but it would be to long.
BTW I would buy the package from Rick when you really look at what you get it's not that much more and your getting someone that will stand behind the probs.
I'm looking at getting another in a mth or 2 and I will be buying from Rick.
When something makes me this much money I don't need to save a buck or two. I also have had cleaners tell me you've got to try this encap or that encap.

Current Topic - when did you choose commercial over resi?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS