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Yellowing in Light blue

February 6 2007 at 5:39 PM

plush carpeting. Seems that worn light blue or just blue resi carpet has this yellow "tinge" to it, and it wont clean up using the methods I've applied, mainly encaping. Will rinsing these yellow areas do any good? Or is it just worn out and this is how the color fades? Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Del Scrivner

RE: Yellowing in Light blue

February 6 2007, 6:21 PM 


Is it the entire carpet that is this way?

Is it only in areas that have had traffic or sunlight exposure, smoke exposure, other unusual exposure- cooking oils near the kitchen, etc.?

What fiber is it? Nylon, Olefin, Polyester, etc?

Look at the outer edges and under other furniture that has not been moved in some time. Is the carpet discolred there too?

Specifically what chemicals has the carpet been cleaned with and spot cleaned with? Did this happen before or after you cleaned it?

Are there animals present? How old is the carpet?

Your answer lies in the answers to these questions.

We will all help the best we can but need to know this info to help you out.

And yes it could just be faded- age of the carpet and sunlight exposure wil most likely answer that, along with fiber content.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care



February 8 2007, 5:07 PM 

There is alot I should know before I ask a question!LOL Awsome answers, and questions of course. I have just been seeing this lately alot in rental properties and a couple homes where the blue faded to yellow. Thanks for the expert input, it is Greatly Apprecieated!!!


Re: Yellowing in Light blue

February 6 2007, 6:44 PM 

Sometimes an acid rinse with HWE will help; sometimes there isn't anything that can be done.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning

John Middleton

Colour loss

February 6 2007, 10:31 PM 

Hi Matt,

Quite possibly colour loss. Colours tend to fade blues first, followed by reds and last of all yellows.

In the odd case, an aggressive HWE clean with acid rinse may help but only if it is yellowing ADDED from the likes of causes mentioned above. How will you know? Test clean and see.

If it is a small area, you may be able to successfully add the m,issing colours but only if there is no resulting damage to the fibres. If they are damaged, they may not take the colour properley.

If you do recolour, how long will it last? Will the client be happy if in 6 months it's back to what it is now? If they are annoyed, who THEN bears the warranty? Possibly all fingers will be pointed your direction.

I'll be honest with you, I'm still learning the colour repair stuff so hopefully someone else may chime in and correct anything I've put wrong

Test clean, if nothing happens, explain something similar to what I've done about colour loss and move on....... IMHO only of course.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Re: Colour loss

February 7 2007, 1:45 AM 

Wiping bleach over nylon carpet will reduce to blue leaving yellow.

Also some skin treatments (acne), will do this.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Crayola Crayons

February 7 2007, 8:40 AM 

I have been experienting with crayons on carpet spots followed by a hair dryer. It works better than I expected. Of course I have only tried it on the bad investors properties so far. There is someone on the ICS board who has discussed this at length but I don't remember who. My son took the Color repair course that Von Schrader puts on years back and crayons seem to do as well and a whole lot less complicated and fast. Time is money too. Shorty and John probably spell "colour" correctly, but we Americans shortened it to "color" LOL


Crayola Can Cause Colourful Memory Misses

February 7 2007, 3:56 PM 

Have you been sniffing the fumes of softened Crayolas Raymond ??

The English Gentleman that was raised in the dusty wilds of South Africa and moved to the opposite ends of the earth to reside in the frozen wastes of Manitoba, The undisputed King of Crayola's, is Tony Wheelwright.

I also "short"ened my name



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Re: Colour loss

February 8 2007, 5:12 PM 

The yellowing occurs in traffic areas and infront of furniture...I would guess its Nylon, and it isnt near the kitchen or sunlight exposure. Just kinda looks dirty, but at the same time wont come clean, I would bonnet over it and recieve no extra soil...


Del Scrivner

Try an acid rinse or acid spray

February 8 2007, 6:48 PM 

I would try HWE with an acid rinse or even try just spraying some Bridgepoint Fab Set straight on it to see if the color changes.

If not then it is not a "browning" situation. Although sometimes it may take a full HWE cleaning with an acid rinse and a follow up application of Fab Set to correct severe browning.

That would be the easist first step to do.

Good luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - Yellowing in Light blue
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