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That Rambo is one smart cookie.

February 7 2007 at 9:05 AM

I took Rambo's advice and tried Punch on a residential carpet I was OPing. Worked like a charm. After I was done I used an airmover to make sure the carpet was dry. This was an elderly couple I didnt want to end up buying a hip because I left the carpet damp. I revacuumed when the carpet was dry, I took 2 white terry towels 1 dry test and 1 damp. To make sure we dont have the black sock situation. Both were still clean after I wiped some areas in the traffic lanes. So looks like you can use Punch on Residential if you are OPing....

Danny Strickland

Re: That Rambo is one smart cookie.

February 7 2007, 12:20 PM 

Rambo is like the guy Fred G Sanford used to talk about!

"You ain't never seen an Old Fool, cause you don't git Old being a Fool"!!!



February 7 2007, 5:23 PM 

that Rambo always gets the credit!
my advice to you last week Steve, "i usually use Punch to OP w/ Challenger, works great. as to which u should use, Cimex or Oreck, i've no idea. others may pipe in."

RAMBOOOOO: my nemesis!!

--- Derek.



February 7 2007, 5:41 PM 

Yes but D man you responded to my commercial question. Rambo responded to my residential question...... So quit your bellyaching!!



Thanks for the help in that by the way I am doing that commercial job tomorrow night ...



P.S. how do you post smiley faces...


How To Post A Picture...

February 7 2007, 7:32 PM 

it takes some practice but you make them the same as you do on ICS. if you can post a picture/image, it is the same thing for smilies. just find a smilie you like from the net / right click it / click Properties / copy the Link location / paste it here.

if you don't know how to post a pic and don't know the code i'll try and explain. here is the code that works on ICS, Encap and CCS (doesn't work on all forums, ie: Mike's forum):

< img src = >

ok, so for the above code to work, you would remove all the empty spaces EXCEPT the one betweem img and src ...there has to be one empty space between those 2.

(i put the spaces so you can read the code, otherwise it would put in just a picture and you can't see the code).

hope this helps. practice below.

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Feb 7, 2007 7:33 PM
This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Feb 7, 2007 7:32 PM

Current Topic - That Rambo is one smart cookie.
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS