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Mohawk (Durkan) carpet warranty

February 7 2007 at 7:24 PM
dan lincoln  

An account we have been servicing has installed Durkan carpet (parent company is Mohawk) I downloaded there specs and called them and they say they do not recommend encap cleaning only dry or HWE. Does anyone have any info that would suggest they would ok encap cleaning. My client wants to strickly adhere to the manufactures specs. The old carpet we encaped and they were very pleased with results.

Thank you.


CRI-Shaw and Mohawk

February 7 2007, 8:20 PM 

Dan, My suggestion to you is to use Releasit Punch and the Pilemaster 15" or 20". Releasit Punch has the CRI Seal of Approval and nearly every CRI member manufacturing commercial carpet has approved the CRB method for interim cleaning. Warner Braun, President and CEO of the CRI indicated as early as Oct. 2005 that a handful of carpet mills plan to require the use of CRI approved chemicals and equipment to validate warranties. Shaw and Mohawk plan to implement this policy in early 2007. The rest of the mills are expected to follow suit. Like it or not here we are in 2007 and the future is now.


Rick Gelinas

Re: CRI-Shaw and Mohawk

February 7 2007, 11:52 PM 

Hi Dan,

Nice to see you posting.

I agree with what Ray stated above. Cylindrical machines (such as our PileMaster machine) have been approved by all the major mills. And Releasit Encap-Punch is CRI approved. So that system IS compliant with CRI standards. I would think that should be what Durkan is looking at.

If you want to consider using your Cimex on the account --- we recently had a Cimex tested with Releasit and FiberPlus pads. It was tested by Gary Asbury of Professional Testing Laboratory (the exact same laboratory that does all of the testing for the CRI). They made 11 cleaning cycles with the Cimex on a cut pile commercial carpet (a total of 22 PASSES was made) and the Cimex passed! This should add some weight to the fact that this system is safe.

But sometimes it's hard to reckon what goes into the executive decisions these companies make. Your company has successfully maintained their former carpets for years. And you are the very same Dan Lincoln, with the very same cleaning system that's prepared to be take care of their new carpet for them. So why would you be any less capable of taking care of their NEW carpet?

I think that if you will present them with established PROOF it may help to allay their concerns:
1) Cylindrical machines are approved by the mills in Dalton GA
2) Releasit Encap-Punch has been approved by the CRI in Dalton GA
3) The Cimex has been approved by the Professional Testing Lab in Dalton GA

Additionally ...
~ Shaw has their own encap product called R2X.
~ Dupont/Invista has their own encap product called Resistech.
~ Collins & Aikman has their own encap product called Syon-5.
~ Interface has their own encap product called Resource.
~ And one of the other largest mills (name witheld for the sake of competitors) has been recommending the Cimex and Releasit to resolve problem situations.

So where does that leave Durkan? I would imagine that their fine carpets are just as capable of being cleaned with a good encap system as their competitors are.

Perhaps some of the info I've posted here will help. I know it can be tough trying to fight City Hall. I certainly wish you the best in trying to get them to reason on this matter. If I can assist you in any way let me know.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 8, 2007 12:37 AM

Current Topic - Mohawk (Durkan) carpet warranty
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS