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Sprint Scrubber

February 10 2007 at 11:11 PM

How does the Sprint Scrubber work on residential for pre-scrubbing trashed carpets before HWE?

This message has been edited by buddhaman on Feb 10, 2007 11:11 PM


Del Scrivner

Spint Pre-Scrub

February 11 2007, 3:01 AM 

I use my Sprint to Prescrub any and all HWE jobs I do now. It works incredibly well. Here are a few things to know:

1) Get a dolly to move it around, especially if you are going up and down stairs at apartments and locations like that. Just easier then carrying it- I know it is only 50 pounds but why sweat (OK maybe because I live in Arizona). The Spint has wheels, but not ones really designed to move it over distances- very small.

2) Remove the tank (if filled) when moving on the dolly.

3) If they have animals you will pull up more hair then you will ever believe no matter how much or how well you pre vac the job.

4) Get the soft brushes if you are going to do cut pile residential. Use the standard brushes for smaller commercial jobs.

5) When homeowners watch it really sets me apart- 99.9% of them have never seen a cleaner pre-scrub with a power tool. Usually a REALLY poor rake job- if even that. When they see the soiling disappear before I get to extraction, I easily have pre-sold them for a 6-Month Encapsulation "Touch Up" Cleaning.

6) You can keep the Sprint in the house and post scrub protector in if you sell it too! As I pre-scrub, if I have not already sold protector I tell them that I can "Power Scrub" the protector into the fibers as well. I get probably another 25-50% of the customers that have not alreay purchased protector to then purchase it at that time.

7) After I am done I take my brushes off, clean my machine and strap it back on the dolly with no brushes on the machine. Then I place the brushes in a bucket to protect them from getting crushed in my trailer, as well as knowing where they are.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Spint Pre-Scrub

February 11 2007, 8:46 AM 

Great ideas on pre-scrubbing carpet. I too started using my CRB before HWE. WoW.. what a great addition to becoming the expert. Even the most powerful vac just does not get it done. Using it to assist protector is another great idea.
Thanks ,
jamie Menard

Current Topic - Sprint Scrubber
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