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Green Cleaning is Good however…

February 11 2007 at 1:59 AM
Richard Brooks  

I haven’t done much testing of the natural carpet cleaning products available to us, its great that there is a growing variety available nowadays. I have done some research that has taught me a lot. One important thing that I learned is natural doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s safe. I had an article published regarding this topic and it is based on my research. Here is a link to a copy of it on my website.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Green Cleaning is Good however�

February 11 2007, 8:09 AM 

Good info Richard! Take Encap-Clean for example..

There is absolutely NOTHING hazardous in this product.

The only ingredient that even requires being included on an MSDS sheet is Isopropyl Alcohol, the same stuff that's in mouth wash. And if anyone wants to to donate the first $10K toward getting Releasit Green Seal tested, we can pursue that. But in the meantime, you can feel good knowing that you're using a product that is SAFE for you and the environment. With Encap-Clean there are no harmful ingredients so there's no way you're going to grow a third eyeball, and since there is no soil loaded water being discharged into the sewer system there is essentially zero impact on the environment too.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 11, 2007 12:49 PM

Richard Brooks

Thank's Rick

February 11 2007, 1:17 PM 

Hi Rick, thank you.

Believe me that I appreciate and promote the fact that Releasit is so safe for us and the environment. Many folks out there are concerned about chemicals but not necessarily sensitive to them. When they see that I offer natural cleaning products they call to have some work done. In these cases I introduce our encapsulation cleaning and give them a choice of natural or encap. with my recommendation being encap. simply because it will do a better job for them.

I get a few calls from those chemically sensitive and in those cases I give them a MSDS of the natural cleaner that I use and one for Releasit. They can then discuss it with their doctor and make the decision. The only thing that bothers me about this is the MSDS only lists the hazardous ingredients. Someone with a chemical sensitivity may have a reaction to an ingredient not listed as hazardous and we don’t know what other chemicals are present. I understand and respect proprietary ingredients but don’t quite know how to handle the unknown. I have had some in-depth conversations with these clients and I’ll tell ya, some folks really have to be careful.

Current Topic - Green Cleaning is Good however…
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS