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building rent

February 15 2007 at 8:03 AM

My current employer is leasing out approximately 13,000 sq. feet of classroom space to a private academy, plus letting them use our gym for PE, and 5000 sq. ft. multi-purpose room and older kitchen facillities for their lunchroom, etc. We provide utilities, custodial, security, etc.; no clerical or IM. They are charging $4500 a month for this, albeit it is only for basically 5-6 days a week and they are gone about 5 weeks a year. This seems low to me, where I used to work our operational costs were around $1.40 to $1.60 a square foot depending on utilities and the exixting contracts.
Would appreciate input. Joe do you know what your school operational cost range is? Thanks for the perspective. The school has approximately 75 K through 7th grade students, very tech savvy. Children of mostly medical and legal professionals. Tuition seems somewhat cheap only $4700 per school year. Wold seem to definitely compete with the local public education, Also it isn't parochial, no chapel, etc.

Joe M


February 15 2007, 8:38 AM 

Our school had a summer program for farm workers, They used 22 class rooms, gym and kitchen and they paid our BOE 19,000 for about 7 weeks of use M-F.

Current Topic - building rent
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