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Who's Encap'ing Schools?

February 20 2007 at 1:54 PM

how do you approach them?

any sales / marketing letters i can get a peak at?

email me if you'd prefer:

thanx! --- Derek.


Re: Who's Encap'ing Schools?

February 20 2007, 6:41 PM 

Yes please share!

Danny Strickland

Re: Who's Encap'ing Schools?

February 20 2007, 7:45 PM 

go in person and drop a card for the principle or asst. principle, in our neck of the woods they're in charge of their schools budgit.

mark thomas

Re: Who's Encap'ing Schools?

February 20 2007, 10:14 PM 

how often do most of them have the carpets cleaned?... our schools around here are carpeted so that may be something I eventualy persue



Re: Who's Encap'ing Schools?

February 20 2007, 10:39 PM 

We have found it easier to clean private schools. They seem more receptive to having outside people in. One account we clean is a Catholic church and school. We have cleaned this for 5+ years. The amazing thing is that in all that time no one has asked us if we are Catholic, which we aren't.

Kevin Pearson

Rick Thode

Re: Who's Encap'ing Schools?

February 21 2007, 12:53 AM 

We do a lot of cleaning for the school district in Alberta, Canada. 2 things that I have done to get the attention of the schools are as follows.

First, the school districts in Canada usually have an administrators conference in the spring. Here it is called SPOSA. The have a large trade show of all the suppliers of services and various supplies. We go into that trade show and get to talk to alot of administrators and set up demos at there biggest problem schools. As part of the trade show, we get a complete list of all the attendees to market to.

We also get phone the school district and ask to talk to the main purchasing agent. They are generally very professional and if you can solve a problem for them, you can usually get somewhere.

Rick Thode

Current Topic - Who's Encap'ing Schools?
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