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Encap-punch and Hydroforce sprayer

February 21 2007 at 10:39 PM

What is the ratio of encap-punch when using hydroforce to pre spray?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap-punch and Hydroforce sprayer

February 22 2007, 6:07 AM 

Mix 1-part Encap-Punch to 2-parts water.
Then spray with the Hydroforce using the yellow tip.

Rick Gelinas


Thank you but..

February 22 2007, 2:36 PM 

Thank you but my sprayer has brass fittings not the tips. I'm using the High pressure sprayer.


Re: Thank you but..

February 22 2007, 3:18 PM 

All Hydro Force sprayers have metering tipss, or a ratio dile to change the chemical ratio. The tips on the end of teh spray wand determing the Spray Degree (ie. 15 degree) and amount of spray that comes out (ie. 1/2 pint per hr.)
There are ratio tipa that are diferent colors. Each color is a diferent ratio of chemical to water. Yellow might be 1 to 9 etc. The colored tips are at the end of the tube that draws chemical into the spray wand. I hope this does not totaly confused you. Check out the ydro Force sight to get a better explanation. (forgive all my spelling errors)I can't spell but I sure can clean comercial carpet.

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Thank you but..

February 22 2007, 3:51 PM 

Dion, if you have the Hydroforce Revolution then all you have to do is set your dial to the desired setting. For Punch your average setting should be 1 to 16. I have the Revolution and I love it. No tips to change.



February 23 2007, 3:13 PM 

So I went to the website as suggested and I see you can get metering kits, and that the Hydroforce leaves the factory with a 1:8 ratio. math was never a strong suit. so with it pumping at 1:8 does Ricks suggestion of mixing 1part punch to 2 parts water going to be too much? What adjustments do i need to make to my ratio correct? I guess I should just order the yellow metering tip.

The only "tip" on the draw tube is a white barbed fitting that the strainer screws on.

I'm hoping that one day some one will ask a question that I'll feel I can answer with authority.


This message has been edited by DionR on Feb 23, 2007 3:17 PM
This message has been edited by DionR on Feb 23, 2007 3:15 PM



Re: ooooohhh

February 23 2007, 6:24 PM 

Hey Dion,
I'd suggest two things;Either get yourself an adjustable Hydroforce(revolution) or pick up a Multisprayer(electric or battery powered).Both will save you money/product.

BTW,I do have a Revolution Hydroforce,just sitting on a shelf in the shop,that hasn't been used in about a year,thatI'd part ways with.

Sorry Rick if this is a no no,just trying to help someone out.

Current Topic - Encap-punch and Hydroforce sprayer
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