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Oscillating Pad machine

February 27 2007 at 2:08 AM
David Morris  

just checking on the above machine(OSCILLATING PAD MACHINE) and there seems very little positive feed back on the Machine, without any pacifics ????
I currently been using a Scrubber W/-tank(using fibreplus pads or brush) to carry out small/medium size Encapulation jobs with goood/great results.
I have seen the "Climex Cyclone Scrubber" I'm impressed, however it's a large machine and space in my Vehical is not un-liminated. One day designers will take this into concidation.....
Any other ideas ????????????????????

from AUSSIE..

Bob Wittkamp


February 27 2007, 6:37 AM 

Since the CIMEX was developed about 50 years ago by the British Navy I don't think vehicle space was a consideration.



February 27 2007, 12:51 PM 

i thought the 'Mex has been around for 100+ years???

boy we need a spell checker!

David, not sure exactly what you are asking. correct me if i am wrong:

you have a low speed rotary that you encap with. you are looking for another piece of equipment that can handle larger areas?

if so, do NOT look for an OP machine for this. stick with your low speed rotary. it will work much faster and give similar results IMO.

but if you have the room for it: the vast majority of people's responses on the forums are that a Cimex will out-produce a low speed rotary.

hope that answers your questions.?.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

SAFEST and most AGGRESSIVE scrubbing since 1933

February 27 2007, 3:55 PM 

1933 was the year the Cimex was developed for the British Navy.
They needed a SAFE machine for working on the boats.
The planetary machine was the answer.

Safety was all they were going for - but in the process they also got amazing agitation!

So what we have is a machine that is SAFE...

Even a small child could run the machine and not get tossed around since there is ZERO side to side torque. It is also safe for the fiber since the planetary action is not twisting the fiber, on account of the fact that it's turning right and left at the same time. It can't catch objects in the head either, if you run into a cord it will just get pushed out of the way. This makes the machine pretty idiot proof. Perfect for the British Navy or any other organization that's average intelligence.

And we also have SUPERIOR AGITATION...

Because the Cimex is scrubbing clockwise and counter-clockwise at the same time - we are effectively scrubbing from ALL directions. That amounts to phenomenal scrubbing action!

Rick Gelinas


Re: SAFEST and most AGGRESSIVE scrubbing since 1933

February 27 2007, 5:37 PM 

IF you do not have room for a Cimex then I would get a 320 speed rotary
this will speed your time and aggitation up a bit.

David Morris

Re: SAFEST and most AGGRESSIVE scrubbing since 1933

February 27 2007, 6:00 PM 

thanks for the alternative suggestion, this is what I'm looking for.



Climex machine

February 28 2007, 8:13 AM 

I've not heard of this Climex machine? Is it another piece of power equipment like the reciprocating saw and drill that has synthetic appendages added to for deviant uses? Please say our beloved Cimex hasn't been "misappropriated" for these purposes. Also, if so where does one get the webcam/dvd products of it at? Are restraints added to the machine also?


Re: Cimex machine

February 28 2007, 9:30 AM 

if you have room for a low speed rotary, then why wouldn't you have room for a Cimex?

cost is more, weight is a little more, but they must be similar in size no?

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Feb 28, 2007 9:31 AM

Current Topic - Oscillating Pad machine
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS