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February 27 2007 at 9:14 AM

I cleaned a church fellowship hall the other day and ran into a problem. Every week this church serves a meal where tables are set up in a specific spot to serve food. As a result, there is some spotting there where spills have been made over the years. I tried the DS using 6oz per gal and misted the area prior to cleaning but it did nnot touch this. I though about using HWE over this area but I wanted to wait a few days to allow the DS to crystalize first for vacuuming.

Will Punch help in this? My guess is that this is mainly food and beverage spills.

I did find out that the janitor had used a 2 part "Resolve" product and of course used the "Bissle" machine prior to me cleaning. I believe the "Resolve" has an oxidizer in it so there is a chance of color bleaching. However, this is a nylon carpet so the color should be fast.

Do you have any suggestions?



February 27 2007, 12:54 PM 

hi Wayne. are you fairly new to Encap?

if so, most everyone who is new over-applies their Encap solution. this could be the culprit that causes wicking. pre-spraying is putting down even more moisture, hence possible wicking problems.

is wicking your problem? or did the stains not budge even when you were cleaning?

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas


February 27 2007, 4:46 PM 

Wayne you said "nylon carpet so the color should be fast". Actually nylon can very easily suffer from color loss. Olefin would be the most stable fiber for color loss, it's essentially impossible to strip color from olefin. On the other hand, olefin is a pretty poor performer.

You also said "I tried the DS using 6 oz per gal and misted the area prior to cleaning but it did not touch this. I though about using HWE over this area but I wanted to wait a few days to allow the DS to crystallize first for vacuuming". That is not what I would recommend.

You are cleaning a potential wicking condition with HWE. HWE by its very nature says WICK. If you could clean this carpet with your Cimex machine and you could overcome the wicking more easily. And "misting the area prior to cleaning" with HWE will not have any affect.

Here's what I would suggest...

1. Throw a gray FiberPlus Max pad on your Cimex.
2. You can pre-spray greasy traffic lanes with Punch (don't spray spill stains).
3. Mix Encap-Clean DS at 6 oz per gallon with HOT water.
4. Scrub the carpet SLOWLY. Avoid over wetting the carpet. Make a wet pass followed by multiple dry passes.
5. Follow the directions for treating recurring spill stains (TO THE LETTER).

It sounds like you have a challenging job, but this should get 'er done for you.

Rick Gelinas



February 27 2007, 5:29 PM 

They didn't budge when cleaning

Current Topic - PUNCH
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