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Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest

February 27 2007 at 1:11 PM

cleaned our A.H. yesterday with 5 other fellas and their pet Cimex's. we banged it out in about 3 hours (carpet was pre-vac'ed). EncapClean worked great, thanx Rick.

now i'm jealous though, i had the oldest, ugliest Cimex there they all laughed at my mad baseboard scrubbing skills, as evidenced by all the paint missing along the edge of my blue base. then i threw on my Jacked-up Cimex lift-kit and they all ran scared (or was that a dream).

couple Bro's had nice new ones with the thinner 100' yellow cord. how is it possible to have a thinner cord??

always nice to meet and work with new friends.

Rick, do you sell Cimex-blue and Cimex-yellow paint? or recommend a good body shop?

or maybe you have a trade in program for old beat-up 'Mex, like Butler?

thanx --- Derek

Bob Wittkamp

C'mon. . .

February 27 2007, 7:55 PM 

You guys have too much fun!!


Re: C'mon. . .

February 27 2007, 8:04 PM 

Hey Derek,
Say "HI " to all my BROS back there from the Idaho Lone Ranger!
(please don't ask who the Lone Ranger is, thats probably only for Rambo and myself to know)
Lone Ranger


Re: C'mon. . .

February 27 2007, 10:36 PM 

I was on that one with Derek...believe it or not, I actually saw him WORKING (thought he was on this board all the time)!!! But, you didn't see ME working, did you, Derek?

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning

Mark Hart

duct tape

February 28 2007, 12:29 AM 

Hey Derek,
Put blue duct tape around the base. Ya think?


Re: Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest

February 28 2007, 7:33 AM 

Hi Derek

The next time please invite me to help
in the clening, maybe I can go there to help


Re: Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest

February 28 2007, 9:28 AM 

Cwalton, are you from western NY? what is your name? i think most of us here remember the Lone Ranger lol...least i hope so! i know Kevin Does.

Kevin, you worked, it isn't easy being the "cord puller"

Mark, that is an idea. but i think gray better suits my "trailer-park" image.

Jorge, where do you live and what is your last name? i know a Jorge Schellenberg.?.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest

February 28 2007, 10:00 AM 

I am from a place most "Easterner's " don't know, because we are west of the Mississippi. I'm in boise Idaho , thus the Idaho Lone Ranger, and I'm the only guy I know in these here parts with a Cimex. So when I do a job , I don't have the luxury of a whole fleet of Cimex guys stacked up waiting to help.
Hey, If the family ever goes to the Farm in NY. I'll look you up.


Re: Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest

February 28 2007, 10:33 AM 


Sorry for the missing info.
My name is Jorge Schmidt
I live here in Santiago (Chile)
We have been in contact before

I am importing the Cimex 15" CR38CM
(400 rpm especially designed for
carpet cleaning only)

I have 90% residential here.
Greetings to Shawna.



Re: Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest

February 28 2007, 10:45 AM 

hiyas Craig, good to meetcha Bro

oh yes, hiyas Jorge

15" @ 400 rpm? nice! congrats on the new toy.

i'll pass your greetings to Shawna. please do the same to Kelly.

how's the weather down in Chile?

we are looking forward to Spring's warmer temps melting the snow off of the ground.

look forward to meeting you all.

take care Bro --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest

February 28 2007, 10:05 PM 

Sounds like you all had a good time!
Wish I could have been there too.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest

February 28 2007, 11:55 PM 

were your ears burnin Rick? we talked about ya

Current Topic - Met with 5 local Cimex'ers yesterday ... Mini-Mex-Fest
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