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Wheels for Big Yella

February 28 2007 at 3:43 AM

Those of you that have put the larger wheels on your Cimex, would you mind posting some photo's here, or email them direct to me please.

I have been pulling the 'Mex; up three flights of stairs daily for over a year now and managing ok.

However, one of my regulars has something like 30 buildings coming on line this year, about eight being four storeys high.

I may have three units on the top floor in the one block but for every four units there is a seperate staircase, so with my luck, I would probably be up & down three different staircases.

There are no lifts/elevators in these blocks, so I am looking at the larger wheel option for Big Yella to make it easier for a young bloke like me.

All the carpet is polyprop; and the guy that owns the business is wrapt in the job that Big Yella does, and the quickness of dry times.

Thanks in advance.


I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Re: Wheels for Big Yella

February 28 2007, 6:54 AM 

This message has been edited by KenAl on Feb 28, 2007 7:03 AM


Re: Wheels for Big Yella

February 28 2007, 8:33 AM 

Shorty, maybe all you need is a tighter jock strap. Seriously, use the 13" wheels that you can get from Harbor Freight. I caught mine on sale for $9.95 each., and these are heavy duty with knobby tires. keep the air pressure around 4 or 5 pounds. Best improvement I have made to the Cimex.


Re: Wheels for Big Yella

February 28 2007, 9:33 AM 


goto the thread 2 below this one and click on my Jacked Up Cimex link on the 1st post.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Wheels for Big Yella

February 28 2007, 10:03 AM 

Hey I saw a television show about that, it was called "Pimp your Ride"



February 28 2007, 3:06 PM 

Tried the jock strap thing.

Delia say's my grunts going up the stairs are higher pitched.

We don't have no Harbour Freight mob down here, like a lot of things you blokes take for granted

But I'll find something.

Do you have any tyre, dang TIRE, marking problems on the carpet??

How are the wheels kept on the axle for quick changeover ??

In your post referred to, there were three photo boxes, but I could only open the first.

I think mine may be a clone of yours, or we just practice the same baseboard technique skills

In clean-up mode at the moment, three low's off the coast with the chance of a cyclone developing in the next 24 hours from one of them.

Thanks,yours in knee burns and carpet cleaning perfection


I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Current Topic - Wheels for Big Yella
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