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Hi Rick

February 28 2007 at 6:01 PM

I just want to thank you. I am lazy by nature but I did take your advice and picked up Michael Gerbers audio tape (not his book) for the e-myth revisited. I am about half way through the tapes and he really puts things into prospective. Really good stuff. I listen in my truck whenever I am driving. My two kids were with me during the first tape and wanted to know why I was listening to a guy talking about baking pies.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Hi Rick

February 28 2007, 9:15 PM 

Yeah he definitely has some good stuff. I think the E-Myth has pretty much become the standard for small business. Michael's material has helped me. I'm sure it can help you too. Glad to hear you're focusing on your business!

BTW Here's a picture of Michael and me at his recent Dreaming Room seminar in Sonoma a couple of moths ago, it was terrific...

Rick Gelinas


Rick's Halo

March 1 2007, 4:08 PM 

I knew Rick had a halo.


Re: Rick's Halo

March 1 2007, 8:41 PM 

I didn't know anyone was shorter than Rick!


Rick Gelinas


March 1 2007, 11:19 PM 

You are now banned.


Rick Gelinas


Rick Gelinas

Short People...

March 2 2007, 8:33 AM 

Got No Reason To Live!

Rick Gelinas


Halo ????????????

March 2 2007, 2:41 PM 

Please forgive me if'n I'm wrong again..................


Is that halo CRYSTALIZING ????????????????


Shortest of them all

I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Joe M

That is funny

March 2 2007, 2:59 PM 

Rick you got to agree that is a funny pic with the backdrop of the cloud and and glow around your head.

Makes ya look kind of saintly.

Current Topic - Hi Rick
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