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March 6 2007 at 12:04 AM

I've read of people using the Sprint on VCT. Does the sprint pick up water or are you mopping up behind it?


Del Scrivner

Sprint picks up...

March 6 2007, 12:23 AM 

The Sprint will pick up some of the water/solution that is laid down. It does not do it through the use of vacuum though.

Basically as the brushes counter rotate and spin in conjunction with the drum you get a squeegee type of effect that will collect the liquid in the bin. I have never cleaned VCT. However I have noticed with carpet that the tighter the pile the more liquid it picks up. Cut pile is less pick up then a loop pile. Basically the smoother the surface the more it will pick up- at least with carpet. I would think it would do a fairly good job of recovering a decent percentage of liquid on a tile surface.

Somebody else may be able to tell you for sure.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

Re: Sprint picks up...

March 6 2007, 6:32 AM 

The Sprint is a multi-purpose scrubber. It can clean carpet. And it can clean and dry any hard surface floor, including heavily textured surfaces, such as tile and grout, even pebble flooring etc. It would only be suitable for small floor jobs because of its small recovery tank.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 6, 2007 6:36 AM



March 6 2007, 7:26 AM 

What are the main differences between the Sprint and the RotoWash? When it was posted it was made by Truvox I was surprised, I'd guessed it was from Austria. Also how does does the Sprint compare to the CRB offered by Hako/Minuteman? Thanks!

mark thomas

Re: Sprint

March 6 2007, 12:32 PM 

so the sprint will esentualy work as an autoscrubber for small jobs? which brushes should be used?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Sprint

March 6 2007, 1:05 PM 

Yes, the Sprint is similar to the Rotowash. As I understand it, a couple of the designers left Rotowash and went out and started on their own. And at some point they got involved with Truvox. The Minuteman machine and the Sprint are the same. I'm not exactly sure how Truvox worked that deal.

It can be used as a small auto-scrubber, with the standard brushes that it comes with.

Rick Gelinas


What is considered small?

March 6 2007, 2:47 PM 

Thank you so much for your responses. I think I'm getting a clearer picture. Two more questions: How is the recovery tank emptied, is there a plug high enough to go over a janitors tub or does it release like a pail? Secondly what is considered a small job (hard floor such as VCT)that is suitable for the sprint? I'm asking because we have several business we maintain with little bathrooms and break rooms and entry ways.


Del Scrivner

Tank emptying

March 6 2007, 6:08 PM 

The black plastic tank snaps into the frame and then two plastic arms fold down and hold it into place (sort of like the pivoting power cord holder some vacuum cleaners have). 10 Seconds to remove, dump (turn upside down), and replace. Oh yeah, I always remove my tank before moving the machine if it has solution in the tank- less spillage.

I used my Sprint to post scrub Soileze on a residential job this week. It also did the most fantastic post grooming job of all time- In the same step- YEA!

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care



March 7 2007, 3:41 PM 

About how many many square feet are you able to cover with one tank full?


Del Scrivner

Coverage answer

March 7 2007, 7:02 PM 

Coverage depends upon:
1) The height and thickness of the pile.
2) If you spray on the up and the back stroke.
3) The soil load in the carpet.

So basically anywhere from 200 Square Feet to 500 Square Feet (on carpet).

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Coverage answer

March 7 2007, 11:25 PM 

Thank you. I would guess then that hard floor would be in the 500 foot range. I appreciate all the responses.

Current Topic - sprint=autoscrubber?
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