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Which Essential Oils Mix With Tea Tree?

March 6 2007 at 1:33 PM

i recall Rick G. that you mentioned Peppermint Essential Oil is a good one to mix with TT oil to dilute the TT scent.

has anyone tried others? orange? lavendar? grapefruit?

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, here is a great place i just found to buy all kinds of E.O.'s inexpensively:

The Servant

A natural solvant

March 6 2007, 6:07 PM 

Hey Derek,when i used the DS my customers will always walk in from outside after i'm finish and they would say "well at least it smells good"!!! And then they would go searching for the the really bad spots that was there before i cleaned. They wouldn't find them. But always ,they would say that it smells good first. Besides that, tea tree oil is a natural solvant it compliments the encap cleaning detergent. So if you add some other oils do you think that might possibly break the integrity of the tea tree and possibly cause a residue that will attract soil?

Your Servant


Thanks Derek!

March 6 2007, 10:09 PM 

I'm curious to know if grapefruit seed extract works with it. I've read some good things about it lately... has some deodorizing and sanitizing properties much like TT extract.

BTW thanks much Derek for taking the time to answer some questions last night. You're a class act!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Thanks Derek!

March 6 2007, 11:29 PM 

A drop or two of peppermint to a bucket of detergent won't cause any problem.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Thanks Derek!

March 7 2007, 12:19 AM 

Alex, i remembered Rick mentioning a small amount of peppermint E.O. and was just asking about that

Grant, ya great talking with ya. you sounded BEAT! must be real busy with work...nice

thanx for the reminder Rick. think i'll order some from that company. MAYBE try some grapefruit or lavendar as well.

gnite fellas --- Derek.


Yep tired.

March 7 2007, 4:48 PM 

Yes Derek, I've been working hard lately. Which is mostly good but between a few long days and my baby daughter keeping me up at night I'm a bit tired... However I also have a dead-pan kind of phone voice. I try to be a bit peppy when custies call but it's always something I have to struggle with. Fortunately I'm a nice guy so after custy's meet me they usually like me....



March 7 2007, 5:45 PM 

"dead-pan kind of phone voice"

i hadn't noticed

thanx --- Derek

Current Topic - Which Essential Oils Mix With Tea Tree?
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