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Bucket Heater

March 6 2007 at 5:37 PM
The Servant 

Curious, can a bucket heater fit inside of the cimex tank if so does EXELLENT-SUPPLY sale them?

Your Servant


Re: Bucket Heater

March 6 2007, 9:33 PM 

A bucket heater in ment to go in a bucket. It will heat the water while your cleaning with the Cimex.


old VLM forum gone :*(

March 6 2007, 9:44 PM 

yes they fit, least mine does.

Rick doesn't sell them that i seen. i found mine online for $25. or so...from some veterenarian site.

the link used to be posted on the old VLM forum, but that forum and all it's valuable info is apparently gone forever.

thanx --- Derek.

Mark Hart

Re: old VLM forum gone :*(

March 7 2007, 1:42 AM 

I have two bucket heater. They sell for about $55.00 each. I think of the cleaning pie TACT, Time Agitation Chemical & Temperature. Higher temperatures make the chemicals work faster and the cleaning goes easier and faster. We just cleaned about 30,000 s/f of carpet in preparation for spring training. Used 2 bucket heaters in 5 gallon buckets with two Cimex machines. IMHO heat works better than cold. Most janitorial or carpet cleanin suppliers carry them.


Del Scrivner

I wouldn't use a bucket heater in my Cimex

March 6 2007, 9:44 PM 

I wouldn't use a bucket heater in my Cimex.
1) Extra cord to drag around.
2) Small tank opening makes it a pain to get in and out.
3) Heat not as needed as with HWE.
4) I'd heat in a standard 5 gallon bucket, if needed.
5) If you have hard water (we certainly do here in AZ) you will get deposits on the bucket heater that will break off into the bucket. Better in the bucket where they are easily dumped out then clogging your Cimex.

I'm sure there are other reasons, but that's all I can think of right now.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

The Servant

Re: I wouldn't use a bucket heater in my Cimex

March 6 2007, 10:27 PM 

good enough for me. thanx.

Your Servant


Re: I wouldn't use a bucket heater in my Cimex

March 7 2007, 12:09 AM 

i rarely use mine anymore.

but i did last week. apartment, white berber. frozen solution on the bottom inch of the sol tank and frozen sol lines. poured water in, threw the bucket heater in. left for 25 minutes while i pre-vac'ed and edged.

water STEAMIN hot.

i really don't see a big deal of putting it in your van and when ya need to use it for whatever reason, dropping it in.?.

does NOT hurt/melt/damage the sol tank or sol lines.

so if you want to use one, go for it.

if you don't, then don't.

thanx --- Derek.


Sure--why not

March 7 2007, 12:16 AM 

I'll put in a bucket heater while I'm pre-vaccumming. then take it out and put it in my five or two gallon bucket (depending on how big the place is) While I'm cleaning away. I've thought about getting another bucket heater or two so I can use 2 gallon buckets more often, the water gets hotter faster.

The Servant

expensive huh?

March 7 2007, 12:50 AM 

I looked at some heaters on line and hey were $399.00 where can i find those that you are using?

Your Servant

Mark Hart

Re: expensive huh?

March 7 2007, 1:44 AM 

I have two bucket heaters. They sell for about $55.00 each. I think of the cleaning pie TACT, Time Agitation Chemical & Temperature. Higher temperatures make the chemicals work faster and the cleaning goes easier and faster. We just cleaned about 30,000 s/f of carpet in preparation for spring training. Used 2 bucket heaters in 5 gallon buckets with two Cimex machines. IMHO heat works better than cold. Most janitorial or carpet cleanin suppliers carry them.



March 7 2007, 2:28 AM 

Check out immersion heaters mate.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.



March 7 2007, 8:39 AM 

For those that use the bucket heaters-

Have you actually seen a discernible difference using the water heated? While I know that 'hot water cleans better than cold', it seems to me so far with encap that cold or hot water doesn't seem to make much of a difference. I'd use one if it were better.


Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


here is the one from VLM forum for $29.95 with shipping.

March 7 2007, 11:08 AM 

amazing what you can find when you goto all the forums and use the Search feature.

thanx --- Derek.


Hot water difference

March 7 2007, 3:33 PM 

I just bought a bucket heater a couple weeks ago. Previously I'd been using the buildings hot water. I noticed a big difference when my water was very hot. So I'm sold on Hot Hot Hot water.

On a separate note I also just switched from Bridgepoint's Encap solution to Release-it. I didn't believe I was going to see that much of a difference. I was wrong. The difference was night and day. The floors were noticeably cleaner. Also it felt as though the pads were better lubricated also, they didn't grab as they had done previously and I was able to go that much faster. Before I was a believer in encapsulation and now I'm a believer in the Releasit line of product.

I think the sun was shining a little brighter too.



March 7 2007, 5:31 PM 

i forgot to answer your ?

i can't recall seeing a difference. but i don't use cold water either. when i am done with a job i will have 1-2 gallons at most left over, and i top it off with hot water at a new job, so it is at least warm.

it makes sense that it would help break the surface tension better.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Bucket Heater
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS