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what next ?

March 8 2007 at 3:48 PM
The Servant 

A chinese food buffet resturant just opened up mayby 8 months ago. as i walked in the last three weeks asking for the owner leaving my cards i got no response. But the last time i walked in just Monday i left a flier taylored for that establishment. mentioning such things as "Increase indoor air quality". How we can fix the allergens and keep them from coming back. Well guess what? I got a call back yesterday from the same gal that i been leaving my cards with. She asked if i could come and give an estimate for a carpet cleaning. Once again your marketing tips are certainly paying off. PERSISTANCE! I went today to take a look The carpet is not bad looking.....Yet! But if they don't nip it in the bud they're gonna have some trashed out carpet by the end of this year. 3500 sq.ft. Cake here and there thats been walk over. Medium shade brown with black designs in it. I couldn't cut a piece to take home and put in water cause there were too many employees
walking around. Anyway i can go on and on about details. I must learn to condense. Sorry!

Your Servant



March 8 2007, 4:31 PM 

so you measured and have or will give them a price. then schedule and clean.

i wouldn't worry about finding out what the carpet is made of. Encap Clean will clean it.

you mentioned it would be trashed by the end of the year and you are right. the good news is, it will be trashed in a month or 2 depending on volume...sometimes a matter of weeks. restaurants typically need to be cleaned every month. need to be, but some arent for several months if not anually.

so hopefully you can get them on a maintenance program of CC'ing every month or 2. ask them how often they have it done now or in the past. recommend that more frequent CC'ing will help it not get to the state it is in.

good fortune Alex!

thanx --- Derek.

The Servant

Re: congrats

March 8 2007, 10:54 PM 

thanks derek! i must stay on the move so i can put some hours on this thing. Its light driving a truck, if the wheels ain't turning you ain't making no money. I must keep pushin pounding the pavement talking to as many people as possible. then hopefully i can retie like you.

Your Servant


Del Scrivner

Get some sample strands

March 8 2007, 11:11 PM 

I ALWAYS get a few sample strands of the carpet. I do it very specifically in front of the client/potential client. I test to see what the fiber is and another sample or two goes into a small manila envelope and is sealed. That envelope gets stapled into the manila folder/customer file. Tell them what you are doing and why.

Look around the edges and corners to either pull a few stands with needle nose pliers (cut pile), or cut a few strands (loop pile). DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT pull on a loop pile strand with a pair of pliers unless you want to replace the carpet or learn to do difficult repairs on the spot (not a good plan).

This process helps separate me from hacks and shows that I am a professional cleaner that I know what I am doing and I don't take risks with their investment (carpet). The reality is that there really is not very much in the way of Commercial Glue Down Carpet that cannot be Cimexed with Releasit. But the testing helps secure accounts.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Get some sample strands

March 9 2007, 12:45 AM 

retire, me? i'm only $ aside for retirement yet, i have a long ways to go.

realistically, don't think i'll need to worry about it at that point.

the hack --- Derek

The Servant

Re: Get some sample strands

March 9 2007, 1:16 AM 

Good point. I'll take that.

Your Servant



March 9 2007, 4:49 PM 

that is a neat idea about the manila env Del. i would only be able to do it on about 15% of my measures tho, because the other 85% i am doing my CC'ing demo at that 1st meet with the prospect, followed by the measure.

still, i could do it to the few places i don't demo. nice little dog and pony show.

thanx --- Derek.

The Servant

Re: .....................................

March 9 2007, 8:18 PM 

I feel ya derek. Once they see demo results. Its automatic measure for a price. Today i dropped in on the resturant to hand them their proposal. I added a cover page hilighting the benefits of scheduled maintenance verses filth. I slipped them both in a sheet protector with the cover page on top.She looked very impressed as she immediately begin reading it. I told her now, i would like to schedule an appointment to give you a free demonstration.I opened my appointment book and asked whats convienient for you? She said well, the owner would like to be here when you do that so let me get back to you. Sooooooo...... so far every ting is crisp mon! Right now i'm doing residentials here and there, but i'm excited about getting these commercial accounts going.

Current Topic - what next ?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS