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iCapsol vs. Pilemaster

March 8 2007 at 6:59 PM

We are running several of the Pilemaster/Whittaker machines and recently got around to evaluate the new iCapsol CRB
I must say that the Pilmaster machine is built way more durable (stainless steel body etc.) the craftsmanship on the iCapsol does not look as professional - plastic components made by the lowest bidder probably in Asia! How do you compare that "as a better machine" when you compare it to an Austrian/Germany manufactured piece of equipment. You get what you pay for - that I've always noticed in life!!
We run GLS machines since almost 15 years with no or minor problems (moving parts exchanges, brushes etc.) the iCapsol has yet to proof that. Any comments.........

This message has been edited by dryclean2005 on Mar 8, 2007 7:07 PM


Re: iCapsol vs. Pilemaster

March 8 2007, 7:19 PM 

I would consider the Icapsol as a janitorial product and the GLS machine as a professional product. Windsor sells products to the janitorial industry or in house staffs, so the products are geared to that client base. Both price point fit and look.

If have only seen the product at this point (ICapsol) and have not had the opportunity to use it so I cannot say how it does yet. Only way to tell how it is going to hold up is to buy it and use it.

personally I want a CRB to have a holding tank so I dont have to mess around with some sort of sprayer along with the machine.



March 8 2007, 8:33 PM 

Sorry to hear that about the iCapsol, I like the Windsor self contained extractors. I was curious, the previous Windsor CRB the Rombus looked a lot like the Mist n Brush machine which I thought looked not on par with a GLS but the cost was lower. As is true with the iCapsol. I've used GLS units for years with little trouble. I've ran them with a the powder dispenser on the front, but unfortunately never had a unit with the 2 gallon electrc sprayer/tank on one. I wish I had, always been curious about those. Also like the grades of the brushes available w/GLS. Joe have you used the machine mounted electric tank sprayer on GLS'?


Rick Gelinas

Re: CRB's

March 9 2007, 1:17 AM 

I think you may be missing a bit of the picture.

As I see it, the iCapsol represents a BETER value. Why? Well for one thing it sells for bout $700 less. That's a pretty big savings. On the carpet the iCapsol cleans as well as the PileMaster. And the iCapsol is belt driven rather than plastic gear driven. You might like the look of the stainless cover on the Pilemaster/GLS better, however the iCapsol's rotomoleded is essentially indestructable. The iCapsol is well built, has a solid warranty and tears up the market in terms of value and performance IMHO.

Rick Gelinas


Re: CRB's

March 9 2007, 8:05 AM 

Good points! I've had a Vario for 5 or 6 years and it certainly has more polyethylene on it than GLS and haven't had a problem with structural durability. You're also correct regarding value, in the ballpark where it is priced it is very competitive. Certainly would be easier to justify getting into VLM at the iCapsol price vs. other machines. Also, the support network Windsor has setup across the nation(Hillyard's around here) is formidable. Great points!! I still think the iCapsol Chariot is way cool! I dream of getting to work in the morning, after my crosstown commute(pent up road rage) pulling the Chariot out of the closet. I'd like to mount a squeaky bicycle horn on it, sound my horn, and clean the frustrations of the commute away. Yeah!! Hope those school children stay out of the way.


different brushes

March 9 2007, 1:37 PM 


I saw the icapsol in a store in Orlando yesterday and it looks way cool. I like the low profile.
You mentioned that it also collected small debrie whlile cleaning? I saw a little plate underneath between the two brushes, is that the collector you were speaking about? Also, this one had black brushes, are there different brushes that come with it? Finally, will you be offering an introductory low price when you start selling them and when will they be ready for delivery?




Rick Gelinas

Re: different brushes

March 10 2007, 1:31 AM 

Yes Yes Yes and Yes.
Yes - We already offer the iCapsol Mini. So you can place your order anytime.
Yes - It IS way cool.
Yes - Yes we're offering an introductory price. List is $1495; Mikefest Special is $1295 thru 3/31/07
Yes - The collector tray is between the brushes and it collects the debris as you scrub.

Different brushes?
Yes Windsor is planning to bring out a couple of different brushes in addition to the standard brush that it comes with now. The standard brush is suitable for MOST carpets.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - iCapsol vs. Pilemaster
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