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Big Wheel Question (drilling hole)

March 9 2007 at 8:04 AM

Del Scrivner  

Bo and Derek (I think you are the most experienced two)

When I drill the hole in my existing wheels for the axle to slide through do I drill closer to the center of the existing wheel or toward the outside of the original wheel, or does it matter?


Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Bo Derek...

March 9 2007, 8:08 AM 

She was in the movie 10 LOL, Drill your hole toward the outside.


this pic explains EXACTLY where to drill on tire

March 9 2007, 4:42 PM 

i tried drilling thru the Cimex's light-gray rubber tires...i did thru one tire, then realized i made a mistake.

i then drilled them thru the black "spokes" area.

this picture i sent to Shorty shows it perfectly. you can see on the upper left part of the gray rubber Cimex wheel, the small hole i drilled into it...drilling there for your axle would not be wise:

thanx --- Derek.

LOL Ray.

The Servant


March 9 2007, 9:01 PM 

I must put some milage om mine first before putting hydraulics on it.

Your Servant


Del Scrivner

Thanks for the picture Derek

March 9 2007, 5:43 PM 

Thanks for the picture Derek.

And Ray that was a good one. When I finally make it to Connections one these days I'm watching you like a hawk- I bet you are the practical joker in the gang here.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

George Mavridis

running through axle

March 9 2007, 9:00 PM 

I was told if I wanted to do this to remove the caps pff the wheels and then run a rod through the middle(the tube holding the wheels id hollow)

Could you not run the larger wheels next to the standard wheels??

Shorty....Gary told me this so I take it at face value as being correct.




March 10 2007, 2:31 AM 

That hub is pretty well fixed, very tight.

I think removing it regularly would be a real P.I.T.A.

Also it may well render the hub useless after a while.

If you were to leave the larger wheels on permanently, they would be very wide, especially in tight areas, also against the skirtings would be another P.I.T.A.

The idea of drilling through the rim, is a quick way of putting on and off the larger wheels for stair climbing.

One wheel would stay fixed on an axle, simply slide it through the two holes in the Cimex rims, place the second large wheel on and put on a nut, not me.

You then spin the wheels around to bring the larger wheels under the smaller ones and up you go.

Simplicity in the extreme.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

George Mavridis

I see

March 11 2007, 1:29 AM 


thanks for that. I didnt realise that the hubs would be difficult to remove.

I haven't had the need to worry about larger wheels so far as most stairs I have to go up are square. A few that have had round protruding nosings have so far only been small steps.

It will be a handy little modification and having the larger wheels in the van will be handy for when you come across those stairs. (having said all the above I bet I come acros one tomorrow.....murphy's law)


Current Topic - Big Wheel Question (drilling hole)
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