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My apologies

March 16 2007 at 12:20 PM

hope the picture i had didn't offend anyone

apparently it has on Mikey's, and it was only meant to make ppl smile as it always does me

dunno if they can't handle a pic of a person with diff skin color or if it was that he was a little overweight...

again, my apologies --- Derek.

Joe M

Told ya

March 16 2007, 12:47 PM 

I knew it would Derek.

It was just a matter of time. I myself thought it was funny in a slightly disturbing kind of way.

This is the age of being PC, cant talk or do anything without offending someone, Halloween parties are now called fall parties at the school I work at. It's not a Christmas Tree anymore its a Holliday Tree. We dont have Christmas Concerts anymore we have Winter Concerts.

And you didnt think your advatar would offend anyone?

This is the PC age my friend. Sad but true.

mark thomas

Re: Told ya

March 16 2007, 1:42 PM 

PC = lieing to yourself about the things you know to be true...


Re: Told ya

March 16 2007, 2:03 PM 

Oh my Derek you a mean and nasty little man!!!!...







Just yanking your chain a little.... There was nothing wrong with your little picture thingy.. Someone had a hair across their ass and took it out on you....

Mark Hart

Re: Told ya

March 16 2007, 3:44 PM 

I have four words for those who have a problem with it.

"You'll get over it!"

They don't seem to know what to say after that.


Re: Told ya

March 16 2007, 5:54 PM 

Ditto what Mark said!!!!



Re: Told ya

March 16 2007, 7:32 PM 

I'm trying to remember that picture and can't. Are you talking about that picture of the black dude with the affro?


Talk about GREENskins & tender foots

March 16 2007, 7:37 PM 

You can't please all the people all the time.

Why even bother trying.

The kid was happy doing his thing, and I'm sure it also gave pleasure to others that watched him.

Actually, he reminded me of me, when I was a kid -------- for the last sixty + years.

Some Ray Soles, (we call them RSoles) can't bear to see anyone happier than what they are and have to spoil things for a majority.

I'm sure the kid was the apple of his mother's eye and she would see no wrong.

Political Correctness, do-gooders, call them what you will, they sure have st*ffed up a lot of things throughout the world.

It's time the decent everday person started to stand up for their rights and their way of life which has been gradually eroding around them.

Some councils down under have cancelled "Christmas Carols" & many other Christian & non Christian sayings, so as not to offend the non-believers.

But try and stop, or re-name one of the non-believers gigs, and the wrath of the almighty will fall upon you.

You will be called racist and threatened with court action before the print has dried.

Derek, tell'em st*ff'em.

At least the kid wasn't anorexic.

I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Richard Brooks

Re: Talk about GREENskins & tender foots

March 16 2007, 7:40 PM 

Well said Shorty.

Richard Brooks
Hit The Spot
Exceeding Client Expectations


Re: My apologies

March 16 2007, 8:24 PM 

I'm just glad you got rid of the poor white trash house. As a member of that group I was a little disturbed.

Joe M

What I would like to know

March 16 2007, 10:06 PM 

What I would like to know is what that kid was eating that was making him or her (hard to tell) so damm happy.


Del Scrivner

I would have told them...

March 16 2007, 10:08 PM 


Very few people here know who you really are or have ever met you. I would have told them that it was your son and that you love him very much and are proud of his age 13-17 "World Cereal Eating Championship" trophy for 2005.

If anyone ever met you and commented that the young man does not look like you (which he may for all I know) I'd then tell them that you adopted him.

Seriously life is WAAAAAAAAAAAY to short and some people have nothing better to do then complain. The fact that you even bothered to apologize speaks volumes to me about you and your character. Enjoy life man!


One unoffended person!

P.S.- NO Rednek ikons. Eye haf a guud ahtoornee, and he likkes to soo folks (Sorry had too).

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Joe M


March 17 2007, 12:51 AM 

Why did you apologize here when it was on Mickeys board that you had the problem?

Current Topic - My apologies
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