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Hey David G

March 20 2007 at 4:26 PM
Doug Payne 

I know i have seen some pics of floors that have been crystallized and how it ruins them.....could you per-chance send me the link for it, or email me the pics or something...

I am getting smushed over on another board about this...and seeing how my knowledge is about || weeee big.. I need a little help...everyone wants to jump on the crystal-meth and i am telling them it is wrong...

or feel free to come jump in, Rick has been on the board...

i am sure you can see the topic

David Gelinas

Re: Hey David G

March 20 2007, 11:49 PM 

Hi Doug, it’s good to hear from you guy I hope you and yours are doing well. I think Fred may have some pics of stone damaged from being crystallized but I don’t, sorry. I know for myself, there is hotel in Orlando that I stayed at for a convention last year where three of their lobbies were badly damaged from crystallization. The stone is Negro Marquina. Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of them but I’ll be going back there this summer so maybe I can then. I logged onto Mickey’s board but I couldn’t find the thread you were talking about. Shoot me an email or link here and I’ll take a look at it.

Anyways it’s good to hear from you and keep in touch.

David Gelinas

Doug Payne

Re: Hey David G

March 21 2007, 2:19 AM

hopefully this willt ake you to the thread...

someone finally jumped in and made comments about it...

damn some people are just plain snotty i decided

David Gelinas

Re: Hey David G

March 21 2007, 9:19 PM 


I don’t know if you've seen it yet or not but I just posted a reply on Mike’s board about crystallizing.

David Gelinas

Current Topic - Hey David G
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