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Derek the DEMO King

March 21 2007 at 2:37 PM
The Servant 

Hey Derek remember that chinese resturant. She turn down my proposal. The reason? My price was too high. She requested that i bid lower then what she pays. I told her "i would go out of business if i did. The quality of my work will make up the 40.00 difference". So i insisted on a demo she said o.k. if its good quality maybe i'll use you at the other location. Any convincing words i might add to the demo. to seal this up?

Your Servant Alex


Rick Gelinas

Re: Derek the DEMO King

March 21 2007, 2:51 PM 

She want cheapy cleany.

Look elsewhere young grasshopper.

To quote an old Steely Dan song...

"Throw back the little ones
and pan fry the big ones
use tact, poise, and reason
and gently squeeze them"

Rick Gelinas


Re: D

March 21 2007, 4:01 PM 

nice work sticking to your price Alex! i agree with Rick, don't cave. i don't have any words of wisdom for you sorry. if you are a naturally good salesman/talker, then maybe you can talk her into it. if you are not, as i am not, then you maybe better off not saying much. just give the demo and let Cimex's work speak for itself.

i have many times sweated "smaller" accounts...heck, when each of us starts out, we need all the work we can get right? but now that i am a LITTLE "bigger", i don't fret losing prospects like these. and hopefully you aren't.

keep hitting the pavement is the best advice i can give you, as Rick and many others here have advised us over the years.

keep us posted --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Mar 21, 2007 4:03 PM


Re: D

March 21 2007, 4:24 PM 

Hey Alex-

Derek happens to live down the road from me. I would appreciate not calling him names like "Demo King," it might go to his head!

He puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us. (That's just a saying. Personally, I've never seen Derek put his pants on...)

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning

Joe M

Hey Kevin

March 21 2007, 11:09 PM 

I hear during the slow season for $10.00 you can watch Derek put his pants on.


Re: D

March 21 2007, 8:53 PM 

thats the best advice you can give derek??
Well you hit the nail on the head.
The lyrics in that song are some powerful words as well.

Your Servant Alex


Re: D

March 21 2007, 9:20 PM 

--- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Mar 21, 2007 9:21 PM


Re: D

March 21 2007, 9:52 PM 

See what I mean?!?

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Re: D

March 22 2007, 12:40 AM 

now i see, o.k. gotcha

Your Servant Alex


Re: D

March 22 2007, 8:46 AM 

Rick ,
"Steely Dan?" Whoa, "Back JacK do it again!"


Rick Gelinas

Re: D

March 22 2007, 1:22 PM 

Ricky don't lose that number.

That's me

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Derek the DEMO King
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