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you "noobies" want some marketing tips?

March 21 2007 at 4:02 PM

press the Search function up top and type in the name: Wolverton

some GREAT commercial marketing info in them threads!

enjoy --- Derek.


Re: you "noobies" want some marketing tips?

March 21 2007, 8:59 PM 

Good looking out Derek!

Your Servant Alex

Joseph Desmond

Great Stuff

March 23 2007, 12:15 AM 

Thanks for that tip Derek. I just looked through some of those posts and that's exactly what I needed. I have to go back and print out and review these so I can get going on a marketing program.
Really great stuff.


i agree

March 23 2007, 12:02 PM 

those pages really jump-started my marketing. i use the same "system" today.

as everyone says, the hard part is getting in your car/van and actually getting out there.

for the 15-25 "No's" you'll always get that 1 "Yes". and if you can take the "rejection" of the 25, that 1 makes it all better and motivates you to keep at it.

be persistant! keep EXCELLENT notes with dates, names, times, etc...

don't give up until you reach the Decision Maker. and if he/she says, "not interested right now", tell them you understand and, "maybe i'll give you a jingle in (3 or 6) months and see how things are looking.?." they almost 100% say, "sure".

then make sure you do it... keep notes!!!!

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - you "noobies" want some marketing tips?
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