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March 21 2007 at 5:44 PM

I have a very dear old friend I call Vonnie.

We've been having an on / off relationship now for, I don't really know, must be about fifteen years.

At first, I was not really happy with her performance and I guess she just sort of 'sat on the shelf' for a long time, waiting for me to hold her again.

Some time back, I thought I'd give 'the old girl' a run for her money once more, but, through years of neglect and non-use, she had a leaky bottom.

I spent the money and had a plastic container specially imported for her.

I often thought she did work well, although holding her head with one hand did get a bit tiresome, and I was still never really happy with the end result.

We spent many wonderful times on the saofa's, with me cradling her head in my hand, then I found that I could use both hands on her head which made it more comfortable.

Then she started having seizures.

The gears inside her head sort of 'froze up'.

We got that problem sorted out, and the central nervous system cables running into the back of her head weren't making contact properly, so more surgery was needed.

Then a couple of years ago, I discovered a new solution to put through her.

RELEASIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, you should have seen how she performed after that very first encounter.

The end esult was immediate, startling and brilliant, all in one.

However, too much work and then her plug-in port was also playing up, so that was replaced.

For the last eighteen months, her spirit has been remarkable, literally cleaning up one could say.

Now she is in with the doctor again, just the other day her motor was cutting on & off.

This was traced back once more to the central nervous cable where it is connected at the large plug that connects to the inlet port.

By holding and lifting slightly, this would make her motor stop and start.

So now I am 'down in the dumps', work is piling up, it's pouring rain, and I miss her so much.

The humidity now is 98% and it's 80f at 07:45

I wish my old VS-2 was back home so we could get onto some more mattresses and sofa's, the truck mount is not for me in these times, dragging muddy hoses, it's all just too hard.

Vonnie, come home, please................

I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Mar 21, 2007 5:46 PM



March 21 2007, 8:24 PM 

I have VS called a lot of things, but never Vonnie LOL Maybe Vonnie wants to be hooked up direct, she may not like all that plugging and disconnecting IMHO

Current Topic - Vonnie
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS