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Reminder: Meet Rick Gelinas March 27th

March 25 2007 at 5:30 PM
Richard Brooks 


Fasten you seat belt. We are proud to announce that the infamous encapman, Rick Gelinas will be appearing “Live” as a guest speaker in The Pro-Cleaners Network Virtual Clubhouse. This is a free event.

For those not familiar of Pro-Cleaners Network.

We have an exclusive state of the art carpet cleaners VOIP conferencing room. It is a place where you can actually speak to and interact with other carpet cleaners in either voice or text. It is much more than just a chat room.

Plug in your computer microphone and turn up the speakers. Even if you don’t have a microphone you can interact with him in the text chat area.

Before you can get into the Clubhouse, you will need to download the small software application that will get you there. PC's only, sorry Mac users. The file is a VERY small file that is certified virus free and spyware free. Simply download it and save it to your desktop. Go to and to the left, click on “Details” under “The Clubhouse”.

Don’t miss out! I’m sure Rick is going to kick up some great conversation.

Mark your calendar for this coming Tuesday, the evening of March 27th.

Richard Brooks
Hit The Spot
Exceeding Client Expectations


Rick Gelinas

Re: Reminder: Meet Rick Gelinas March 27th

March 26 2007, 8:03 AM 

P.S. That is 7PM Pacific time, which means it's 10PM my time.
I'll drink some extra espresso. See ya tomorrow night.

Oh and I see you referred to me as "the infamous encapman"

"infamous" according to Webster...

Main Entry: in·fa·mous
Pronunciation: 'in-f&-m&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin infamis, from in- + fama fame
1 : having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil

Well I guess I probably am notoriously evil. LOL

Rick Gelinas

Richard Brooks

Dr. Evil

March 26 2007, 9:41 AM 

Rick how would 8:00 eastern time work for you? That would be 5:00 Pacific.

Richard Brooks
Hit The Spot
Exceeding Client Expectations

Kevin Jones

Who is Rick Gelinas?

March 26 2007, 9:50 AM 

Never heard of him.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Who is Rick Gelinas?

March 26 2007, 10:25 AM 


You've already got it set up for 7PM Pacific. I can go with that if you want to leave it that way. \
Whatever works best for the majority works for me. Looking forward to it

Rick Gelinas


great idea

March 26 2007, 11:15 AM 

10 EST works WAY better for me. 8 EST i have a meeting and can't make it.

but majority rules, that's just me

thanx --- Derek.

Richard Brooks

ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! 9:00 E.S.T.

March 26 2007, 9:47 PM 

I’m Soooooooooo Confused. I thought I was loosing my mind, where did 10:00 E.S.T. come from. Dr. Evil is try’n ta mess with me but TOO LATE, I lost my mind years ago. Actually we were considering moving the time to an hour earlier but didn’t.

I posted the first of the month about this and folks have made plans and adjusted their schedule in advance, so we are keeping the time as originally scheduled.

9:00 E.S.T
8:00 Central
7:00 Mountain
6:00 Pacific

As you know Rick is the encapmaster and I for one have been somewhat “star struck” while speaking with him. I hope that you all can attend. Rick is a true, down to earth gentleman that has a wealth of knowledge he has never hesitated is to share with us.

Richard Brooks
Hit The Spot
Exceeding Client Expectations


Rick Gelinas

Re: ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! 9:00 E.S.T.

March 26 2007, 11:11 PM 

9PM it is then. I guess I won't have to drink an extra espresso after all.

Rick Gelinas

Richard Brooks

Extra Espresso

March 27 2007, 2:00 AM 

Go ahead and bring your extra espresso and stay a little longer

Richard Brooks
Hit The Spot
Exceeding Client Expectations

Current Topic - Reminder: Meet Rick Gelinas March 27th
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