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Punch, TACT, psi, X vac, neutralizer

March 28 2007 at 9:43 PM

The previous thread regarding agitation of Punch seemed interesting. I guess I am a bit retentive but always felt that the TACT principle to be somewhat the goal/standard to try to reach for. The agitation could be achieved through a variety of means, truly I don't think it could get much simpler than with a Grandi-Groom/Brush. Makes for more physical exertion, than through mechanical means. I don't know if I like a washing machine that didn't agitate my clothes, prior to the rinse cycle. I do think that perhaps when one uses a unit with nice psi(400-500 psi) that the force of the psi if the "trajectory" of the spray is optimal it might/does allow for/replace agitation? The same might be true for high flow units due to sheer volume of fluid "flushing". I've often liked to use a Certified to pile lift, then unplug the vacuum motor and also use it to agitate my prespray when I extract. Does the X vac Pile lifter offer this capabilty?
I also agree with the thoughts on introducing more chemicals into the carpet. However, in situations where folks have been bonnetting or shampooing, or ineffectively extracting their carpet for extended periods. For example institutions where the only equipment they have to maintain the carpet is there vacuum and a low speed with a poly sorb bonnet. Would it not be useful to use an acidic neutralizing agent to help address built up residue? In some instances can't a defoamer be presprayed, agitated then flushed to solve problems caused by long term rotary shampooing? Thanks! Sorry for the long post, but curious about these ideas. Thanks again Sirs & Ladies.


Re: Punch, TACT, psi, X vac, neutralizer

March 28 2007, 10:21 PM 

TACH was never intended to be an exact roadmap to carpet cleaning for all situations. It is a guide, and when it is discussed in CC classes, the point is always made that if you reduce one element of TACH, the you have to increase another. In the case of agitation, in relation to HWE, the component that is most frequently used to offset a reduction of agitation is a change in the chemical make-up of the job.

If you discuss this with most experienced HWE cleaners, they will tell you that they typically run the same temperature on most jobs (restaurants being an exception), and the dwell time (the time component) of their chemicals usually stays the same, as well. However, most HWE cleaners will have a neutral pH cleaning agent, a high pH cleaning agent, several booster products and an enzyme cleaning agent. In addition, many have two or three different emulsifiers that they use under different situations. All of these are used to positively affect the chemical section of the TACH pie so that they can elliminate the agitation element whenever possible.

Low moisture cleaners who convert to HWE cleaning often over emphasize the importance of agitation in HWE cleaning due to the fact that it is so vitally important to VLM cleaning. As they gain experience they soon learn that agitation is not nearly as necessary with HWE.

While it sounds great to add agitation to your cleaning pie, and makes one feel so much more thorough, in actuality, the use of unecessary agitation is an expense that not all your customers should have to bear. HWE Cleaners who utilize it in all situations, regardless of the circumstances, are often placing an unneccessary monetary burden their customers.

Remember, being a high priced cleaner is usually a good thing, but your attention should really be focused more on your hourly profit margin as opposed to your sf target price. If you know how much you have to make per hour cleaning, then you can remain profitable while at the same time being responsible to your customers by not making them pay for more than is actually needed.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Punch, TACT, psi, X vac, neutralizer

March 29 2007, 2:54 PM 

Could someone give the short version of all that, I could only get thru the 1st sentance or two of Marty's post.

This message has been edited by HarryHides on Mar 29, 2007 8:28 PM



March 29 2007, 6:24 PM 

sorry to be so long winded


What Marty said was....

March 29 2007, 9:00 PM 

This is the reason I have a "truckmount" and am the King of Carpet Cleaners in Pratville, Alabama. But really that was an exceptional post from Marty, and had some real meat in it (I meant pork)


Re: What Marty said was....

March 29 2007, 9:16 PM 


Tony was talking about me being long winded. Not you. Tony is always mean and makes me cry.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: What Marty said was....

March 29 2007, 11:08 PM 

Dave you post was well thought out, with good sentance structure and spelling.

Marty's inconceived verbosity was such an appalling jumble of disconnected thoughts that it gave me a headache to read more than one sentance. In view of his complaining for an eternity about any post, longer than 5-6 monosyllabic words it was an abomination, not to mention the height of hypocrasy.

Carry on.

Brian Luddy

Re: What Marty said was....

March 29 2007, 11:55 PM 

Sentence.....not sentance.

Good gosh, Harry!


Del Scrivner

Or this one...

March 30 2007, 1:05 AM 

hypocrisy...not hypocrasy

Sorry had to. Even though you had a great point (and some fun natured prodding). The wheels on the Karma bus go round and round, round and round...

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Or this one...

March 30 2007, 4:20 PM 

Come on guys, I had put those errers in on purpose to give Marty something to
whine about. I'm surprized he didn't catch any.


Re: Or this one...

March 30 2007, 11:10 PM 

Oh my gawd. Now your posting like Bob Vawter.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Or this one...

March 31 2007, 12:34 AM 

Now that's a low blow, Buttwad!!

Current Topic - Punch, TACT, psi, X vac, neutralizer
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