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Fuzzy math resolved...

March 29 2007 at 9:23 PM

I posted that the iCapsol Mini had 16" brushes but the specs said it had a 17" cleaning path. What I didn't know at the time was that it does in fact have a 17" cleaning path because the brushes are offset 1" in other words they are not exactly opposite each other as in the Pilemaster/GLS machines.

mark thomas

Re: Fuzzy math resolved...

March 30 2007, 1:57 AM 

neato... seems like a well though out and designed machine



Icapsol or Sprint??

March 30 2007, 11:14 AM 

The Icapsol looks really nice, however I'm still leaning towards the Sprint. The fact that the Sprint has the solution tank and the weight is heavier at 50 pounds, I also thought I read somewher that it has more rpm??...all this to say that it would seem that the Sprint would be more versatile than the Icapsol and may be able to dig deeper due to the weight and rpm.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Rick Thode

Re: Icapsol or Sprint??

March 30 2007, 11:20 AM 

Howdy Aris:

Hey, you Calgarians got all the money. Just buy them BOTH.

Rick Thode

Seriously though, I'll let others respond, I haven't seen the ICapsol yet first hand. I'll be checking them out at Connections in May and I'll let you know my impressions then. At first glance, I like the extra width, but the tank on the Sprint can be an advantage. Keep Smiling.



Re: Icapsol or Sprint??

March 30 2007, 2:26 PM 

What about the extra weight? Do you think that would allow the machine to dig a little deeper, or is it not a factor?

Rick...I'm really pleased with the Releasit so's amazing!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Icapsol or Sprint??

March 30 2007, 11:44 PM 

Actually the iCapsol digs a little deeper.

And I'm thinking the stated weight for the iCapsol may be off a little. We copied the weight specs from Windsor's literature onto our website. But we shipped a unit out yesterday and when we weighed the boxed unit it weighed 69 pounds (in the box). I'm pretty sure the box doesn't weigh 30 pounds. So I think we're gonna need to re-weigh the iCapsol to see if Windsor's weight specs are accurate. My guess is the machine may be heavier than we think.

The iCapsol digs into dense commercial pile extremely well! And when you attach a 2 gallon pump sprayer to the handle you can feed a steady flow of juice to the carpet as you scrub. It's a solid scrubber that really gets the job done! Of course, the Sprint's a cool machine too. It's just a matter of choosing the machine that you like best for your needs.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Fuzzy math resolved...
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