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Stand Firm!

March 30 2007 at 5:27 PM

I prepared a proposal for chinese resturant. I made a return visit,spoke with the owner. She stated "NO,PRICE TOO HIGH" and asked if i do it for what she's paying the present cleaner. I stated "NO,PRICE TOO LOW" and said allow me to come and do a demo for you to see the QUALITY difference. We agreed.

TWO days before demo date i called left message that i had to cancel the demo.(Unforseen occurrance)
20 minutes later i got a call back from owner who never mentioned anything about my cancelation notice, but went on to say forget the demo just come and clean the whole floor for your price and we'll go from there.

The lesson: STAND FIRM FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE. And they will feel like they're losing by not using you.


Cleaning set for next weekend.

Your Servant Alex


Re: Stand Firm!

March 30 2007, 9:38 PM 

what were you reffered or something? or did you just walk in?


Re: Stand Firm!

March 31 2007, 8:09 AM 

You haven't been paid yet.

How are you planning on cleaning it?


Re: Stand Firm!

March 31 2007, 2:27 PM 

walk-in. Attained the name of the manager and start visiting her once a week ttil i made leadway with her.

Your Servant Alex


Re: Stand Firm!

March 31 2007, 11:33 AM 

Chinese resturants need to go back to china. I will do resturants but never a chinese one. I wish you luck getting paid. They will use the lack of communication to pull on over, but i hope not. It will be a good challenge and a learning experience. Have FUN!!!!



April 1 2007, 12:40 AM 

good job Alex, hope it works out & keep us posted

thanx --- Derek.



Re: Encap

April 1 2007, 9:34 PM 

Good job Alex. We clean an italian restaurant in our area and last Tuesday we went in to do the once a quarter cleaning. The manager said that it was not looking as good as it used to. I thought about it for a while and then remembered we had dropped the ball. I called them right before Thanksgiving and the manager told me to call them after the holidays that they were having to many parties. I forgot and they forgot. (I should have wrote it down) Anyway, I reminded him of that and he said well in that case it looks great for not having been cleaned in at least 6 months. It was really easy to clean too. Great products is right Alex.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Encap

April 2 2007, 2:51 AM 

thanks for encouragement guys.I'll tell you how it goes.

In the mean time i did a commercial building hallway 2500 sqq.ft. Highly damaged carpet, wickered high traffic areas. I gave it everything i had (which isn't much) but i must say that it turned out nice for a one time cleaning.

There was a thousand spots and stains, too many to be scrubbing single handedly. So i cleaned the carpet first, went back the next night to spot clean and whatta you know? Most of them was gone. I post vac'd when i finished, the carpet fibers was standing tall, it looked like a million army men with their fist balled.
It pays off to follow instructions to the detail!

Manager will be impressed tomorrow.

Your Servant Alex

Current Topic - Stand Firm!
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