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Icapsol Mini User Report...

April 2 2007 at 7:50 AM

I would like to see a post on a actual user of the new Mini. How well does the tray for catching crap from the carpet work, does it work well with dry pick up, but not wet trash pick up (as was the case for the renovators) How close to the wall can you get? Can you cover all the carpet types with just one bush? Wool, Nylon,Olefin etc.? What is the actual weight of the machine? Does the handle remove for doing stairs like the Pilemaster?

Doug DeLoach

Re: Icapsol Mini User Report...

April 2 2007, 10:23 PM 

Unpacked our new machine this afternoon. Have no commercial work scheduled till Saturday. Did run the machine a bit in our office, was suprised at how effective the dry pick up was. Didn't realize our carpet was dirty.

The tray slides out easily from the bottom. With the offset brushes we could get right up to the wall. The handle lays flat which is great for us as we clean a number of doctors offices with chairs bolted to the wall. The machine should fit easily under these.

Manual lists the weight at 48lbs. The handle's held in place by a couple of screws that could be removed but it's not mentioned in the manual, doesn't look like a machine feature.

The brush seems similar to a Host zebra brush, if that helps. Will let you know how it cleans after the weekend.


Re: Icapsol Mini User Report...

April 4 2007, 1:01 PM 

Thanks Doug, looking foward to hearing from a actual user.

Current Topic - Icapsol Mini User Report...
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