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iCapsol Weight UPDATED

April 2 2007 at 10:35 AM

Rick Gelinas 

As I suspected...

The iCapsol is HEAVIER than was published by Windsor.
The iCapsol actually tips the scale at 52 Pounds!!!
Add 2 gallons of water in a pump-up sprayer and you're now over 70 pounds.

BTW, the motor has no trouble handling the heavier weight load. The motor doesn't bog down at all. Whereas the lighter weight PileMaster bogs down a little bit at start-up, unless you rock the machine sideways to help it get started.

Perhaps it's the additional weight and motor torque that's contributing to how well these units scrub carpet.

Rick Gelinas


Yes but....

April 2 2007, 1:01 PM 

Could the Honorable Senator from the great State of Florida please answer my other questions in the post below. signed; one of your constituents.

Rick Gelinas

Re: Yes but....

April 2 2007, 4:02 PM 


You asked for a "USER REPORT", as opposed to a distributor's report.

So I figured I would let an actual end user answer those questions for you.



Re: iCapsol Weight UPDATED

April 2 2007, 5:08 PM 

How do you feel the Icapsol cleans in relation to a Cimex? Could a guy start out with the Icapsol and progress to the Cimex?


Re: iCapsol Weight UPDATED

April 2 2007, 5:18 PM 

I LOVE the Cimex. In my opinion the Cimex is the top dog when it comes to commercial production cleaning. There is no comparison!

If you're looking for a smaller package, the iCapsol is my new favorite! It is a KILLER scrubber. I would highly recommend it for anybody. Just starting out - or an old veteran, the iCapsol Mini is a powerful cylindrical scrubber.



Re: iCapsol Weight UPDATED

April 2 2007, 5:28 PM 

Do you mean the Cimex is "better production" wise, or does a "better cleaning" job?


Rick Gelinas

Re: iCapsol Weight UPDATED

April 2 2007, 5:30 PM 

Higher production with the Cimex.
It's a bulldozer!

Rick Gelinas

Rick Thode

Coming to Canada soon

April 2 2007, 8:08 PM 

Hey Aris:

I should have them starting to come in at the end of the month just before I go to Connections, so I'll try to bring it down and we can play and then we'll both know how it performs.

Rick Thode

Danny Strickland

Re: Coming to Canada soon

April 3 2007, 11:07 AM 

i find i'm more productive (more SQFT per hr) with my 20" GLS.

the Cimex is the better scrubber of the two, but the GLS is the top machine for production!!!


Oh Danny Boy...

April 3 2007, 6:06 PM 

We find that hooking two 15" GLS's together (e-mail me and I'll tell you where to get the adaptor) and now you cut a 30" path of cleaning. Talk about speed and production, that is the way to go.


Re: Oh Danny Boy...

April 6 2007, 8:27 PM 

You are absolutely right! Two 15" GLS's together makes a 30" width -- we clean that way large areas in no time.
The 20" GLS is the largest one available - by the way it's the same machine Rick offers as the PileMaster! Made by Brush and Clean (Austrian Company). We purchased our first GLS a while back and a fe wmore recently from a B&C distributor. Highly satisfied.

By the by --> Rick!!! I do not believe that you are able to give an honest unbiased opinion when it comes to the CIMEX!
Your are the distributor for those machines -- you all figure????

Current Topic - iCapsol Weight UPDATED
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS