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Now I've seen it all !!!

April 2 2007 at 3:53 PM

I just came from a customers home that had scheduled me to clean (encap) 5 oriental rugs this morning 9:30 a.m. I got there and the husband had a buddy over. The buddy was plastered..Tanked..ripped..stewed. The husband who is in his late 60's and his bud were drinking shots of whiskey all morning as I cleaned. They sat there and watched me. The more they drank the cleaner the orientals became.. I am the carpet wizard one of them said. This had to be the strangest day I've had in a long time. But not a bad day (they did try to get me to join in their little party) They thought the rugs were so clean they each gave me a $50 dollar tip. I wonder what kind of shape they will be in after dinner.


The sober rug wizard


Re: Now I've seen it all !!!

April 2 2007, 9:00 PM 

LOL ... I have one like that, too. However, this particular one is one of my residential maintenance accounts, so I see them every three months. The hubby has a drinking problem and usually has me clean on his off days. He is almost always drinking that whole day, and sauced when I get there. He is always pleasant, and would give me an extra $50 over my price as a tip. It got so bad that I eventually told his wife about it. She laughed about it, but started making sure she was home when the carpet was cleaned.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Now I've seen it all !!!

April 2 2007, 10:55 PM 

I'd have thought that interfering in a family's internal problems would likely get you shot in the head in Alabama. Did you meddling really change anything?


Re: Now I've seen it all !!!

April 3 2007, 6:11 PM 

Tony, He no longer gets the $50 tip.

Current Topic - Now I've seen it all !!!
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