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First Cimex Job

April 3 2007 at 12:07 AM
joe desmond  

I finished a 9000 Sq/ft. Job with my Cimex on Saturday. Nylon Multi level loop CGD. Doctors office where we have a 5 night a week cleaning contract.(Janitorial) The waiting room I've cleaned about 7 times over the past 4 years doing HWE. The rest of the building has not been cleaned since the carpet was installed four years ago. Took about 8 hours total time scrubbing. The capet came out better than when I HWE. I am impressed!!!


Sod. Perc. ??

April 3 2007, 2:00 AM 

I have a resturant next week. Perhaps i can adopt that.

Your Servant Alex


Sodium perc.?

April 3 2007, 7:54 AM 

Check and for sodium percarbonate. The website should explain it pretty well.


nice Joe

April 3 2007, 11:46 AM 

same way i felt when i finally Cimex'ed our old office cleaning account after 12 years of HWE

Alex, when you see a person's name in blue (notice Dave's and my name below your post), click it and you can email that person anytime ya want.

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Apr 3, 2007 11:48 AM


Re: nice Joe

April 3 2007, 2:56 PM 

Joe, wait til you do three or four cleanings with cimex. you will get to know cimex better, learn the tecniques thus getting even better results and your being impressed will be intensified. I'm still learning it and i become more impressed each week.
my cimex is 4 weeks old today.

Thanks Dave for unlocking the abbreviated
code for me. Sodium Percolinate

Derek i didn't even pay attention to that feature of the board. Thanks! I'll bug you there now. (smile)

Your Servant Alex

Rick Gelinas

Re: nice Joe

April 3 2007, 3:47 PM 

Hey Joe,

Nice job! Welcome to the Cimex/Releasit club.

The more you work with the Cimex/Releasit system, the more you're gonna be blown away by the results. RESULTS is what this system is all about! And yes, I can hear the HWE sceptic inside of you. That little weeny in the back of your head who pops up and says - "NO WAY I never expected to see results like that"! I just love it when our clients come face to face with what good encap chemistry and a good scrubber can accomplish. Thanks for sharing your results. And thank you for allowing us to have a share in your approach to commercial carpet success Keep up the good work!

This message has been edited by encapman on Apr 3, 2007 3:48 PM


Re: nice Joe

April 3 2007, 5:33 PM 

bug me anytime Alex

thanx --- Derek.



I was one of those weenys once upon a time Rick.

April 3 2007, 11:33 PM 

Some of ya'll know I was a HWE guy all the way for the first 11 or 12 years into this business. I could not believe the results the first time either. The more you use the system the more uses you will find for it.

The best thing about the Releasit products is that when Rick finds out a way to make them better then he does.

We were in a 6000 sf house today cleaning one large room. We never dreamed it would be CGD in a nice house like that, but it was. We sure were wishing we would have had the Cimex with us.

Enjoy and feel free to email if you would like to talk shop.

Kevin Pearson

Joe Desmond

Weeny no more

April 4 2007, 12:21 AM 

My next job is another customer of mine chocolate brown CGD. UGLIEST carpet I've ever seen. Probably 10 to 12 years old. HWE two years ago. Not so good results. Alot of hidden spots came up. Will Mex it in two weeks. This time I KNOW IT WILL COME OUT BETTER!
Been very busy with my janitorial business and I need to make some time to start marketing the carpet cleaning side. Looking forward to learning some marketing techniques from you Rick at Encapfest.


Re: Weeny no more

April 4 2007, 8:25 AM 

I have a chocolate brown school carpet (52,000 sf) with black specks that I clean every year. I have always encap. cleaned it for the past 5 years, simply because they want a cheap price. It's done great. However, this year I noticed it looking rather dull, and since I can now HWE much faster due to the improvements within the industry, AND GET THE CARPET DRY WITHIN AN HOUR, I chose to rinse the carpet this past year. It looked great, and no spots came back.

Encapsulation is wonderful, but HWE isn't the commercial deamon it used to be. If you know what the improvements are.

The real benefit behind encap. cleaning (the scrub-n-run method, anyway) is the tremendous square footage you can turn out, and the cheaper prices you can charge and still maintain your desired profit margin.


Rick Gelinas

Confessions of a HWE weeny

April 4 2007, 3:59 PM 


My name is Martin.

I have a HWE problem.

I started doing HWE when I was a kid, I would sneak it when my folks weren't looking.

Then I started doing HWE with my friends because it was "cool".

When I got out of school I started doing HWE all the time.

Now I'm up to 3 or 4 houses a day.

I need help.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - First Cimex Job
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS