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Exellent Results!!

April 4 2007 at 3:03 AM

Spoke with the janitor in the ccommercial hallways he was blown away by the results. He said : "we had carpet cleaning companies come in with trucks with hoses running all the way up to the 6th floor,i mean these was the real deal cleaners with 10 man crews. But you came in and blew them all away!"

He went on to say: "The hairs (fibers) are standing up again, the carpet is one color now! It still smells good two days later and its not over bearing!" (His words verbatum)

This guy was so excited he he called me back to ask if i can come back one day so he can introduce me to the tenants in the building that uses the same carpet cleaners as the building manager to clean their offices.

I cimexed with DS-6oz.mix and bonnet cleaned. Came back and post vac'd. This carpet was really bad, traffic areas was highly matted and shiny-black-dirty. Making it two-tone, black and berber. I did it alone. CIMEX/RELEASE-IT IS AN AMAZING SYSTEM!!!

P.S. There was no air nor fans.

Your Servant Alex

Danny Strickland

Re: Exellent Results!!

April 4 2007, 7:31 AM 

it's all just smoke and mirrors!!!

now go get some more work!


Re: Exellent Results!!

April 4 2007, 8:26 AM 

Get your own act, danny.

Jimmy's already claimed that one.

Current Topic - Exellent Results!!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS