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Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007 at 12:31 PM


I've noticed some others posting that they are using a rotary with Releasit. I've recently purchased a case of Releasit to try it out. At this point all I have is a rotary so that's what I've been using. I've been considering a Cimex or a CRB machine but have to say that the results with my rotary have been VERY good. I'm thinking that I don't know if purchasing additional equipment at this time is necessary.

Who out there is using rotary and are you considering changing to a CRB or Cimex...or are you happy with what you've got?


Re: Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007, 12:55 PM 

I have an old 15" rotary. I used it for two years two clean carpets. I got good results with it. Customers were happy when i was done cleaning their carpet.

But i have to tell ya, that there is nothing (IMHO) like the CIMEX/RELEASIT COMBO. RELEASIT Made my rotary what it is in cleaning carpet. But when i got my CIMEX 1 month ago it was unbelievable the results i got each week.(residential and coomercial) Don't procrastinate about getting a CIMEX. This will compliment the Top quality product you already have (case of RELEASEIT) and bring you not just good results but the MAXIMUM AND UNBELIEVABLE RESULTS, GUANATEED!!

Your Servant Alex



Re: Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007, 1:34 PM 

Thanks Alex...I find the Cimex so heavy and cumbersome for a one man operation. Whats your procedure on the Cimex in residential and are you on your own, or do you have a helper?


David Hebert

Re: Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007, 12:59 PM 

We use a 20 inch 320 speed rotary most of the time
I also use a CRB.

Personally I do not see the need for me to get a Cimex, but as we expand I will rent a Cimex and have my tech run it to see what they prefer to run.

CRB is a must they are dirt digging monsters.




Re: Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007, 1:32 PM 

Thanks David...I've never considered running a rotary at the high speed...isn't that too aggressive for carpet?? I have a dual speed 175/300rpm machine...should i be using 300 instead. How about residential carpet? Or just commercial?



Re: Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007, 2:15 PM 

We lease them for $6.00/day (+ tax)
This is not rental, the machine is yours just like when you lease a car.

This message has been edited by dot_ca on Apr 4, 2007 2:15 PM



Re: Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007, 3:08 PM 

Using a rotary is fine.Just make sure you perform extra passes as to try and equal the inherent scrubbing capabilities of the Cimex.

You will or already know that a standard rotary is a very multi-task oriented machine and yes,so is the Cimex but ten-fold-over!We use ours to clean carpet,tile/grout and by aid of Rick's stone package kit, we have offering stone services for almost a year now,with "excellent" results I may add!

"One man" operation...? A two person op. is unnecessary.If you are referring to loading and unloading,get a ramp.

"I love the smell of Releasit in the morning!"


Mark Hart

Re: Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007, 3:34 PM 

Rotary will work fine, even at the higher speed. Use it until you start getting big jobs. Then you can move up to the Cimex. Use the Max pads.

This message has been edited by markahart on Apr 4, 2007 3:34 PM


Re: Releasit with a rotary

April 4 2007, 5:15 PM 

You'll be fine save your $.


the yellow machine

April 4 2007, 9:02 PM 

When i finish vacuuming i bring in the the yellow macine ,customers say " what is that"? They're very impressed and feels good about you being their cleaner. Thus you keep them forever. Especialy when they see results, then you assure them it will become more bright each time with this system.

Look at the reponse i got from customer in the post below (EXELLENT RESULTS) Everything said was verbatum.

Your Servant Alex


Re: the yellow machine

April 20 2007, 7:13 PM 

We use a 2 speed powerflite on the high setting. Turns our some nice carpet cleanings.

PROBLEM is....

the thing is low profile & as I clean these carpets it leaves behind "strands" of wet dust/dirt/etc.

It is fairly new & I love the higher speed setting vs running it at 175 RPM. I have been just dealing with the irritation of cleaning the base every room for the benefit of the higher RPM's.

But after a few hours it gets to be a pain & on lighter carpet it can actually create work.

I was considering switching machines with the floor crew & using a higher profile powerflite that I have them using, but if the machine isn't made for the torque of cleaning carpet I could have a new problem.

I am not sure if there is a question in my post or if I was just venting but please feel free to fire comments anyway thanks gang.

Nice forum by the way.

This message has been edited by ECBS on Apr 20, 2007 7:16 PM

Current Topic - Releasit with a rotary
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS