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Ray are "da man"

April 4 2007 at 11:23 PM
Kevin Jones  

I just tried your recipe for greasy restaurants and let me tell you, that carpet looks almost brand new. I had hot water extracted it the first 3 times I did it and it looked okay...nothing to write home about. I encapped it tonite using your Punch/DS recipe and I was shocked. Thanks. You da man.


Re: Ray are "da man"

April 5 2007, 7:54 AM 

Tell me the recipe. Or make Ray email me with it.

I need to order some more encap. supplies and am thinking about trying Releasit again. Rick says it's better now than what I tried two or three years ago. We'll see.

If it still makes me cough, I'm gonna go see a short, old fart, in Georgia!


Thanks Kevin

April 5 2007, 8:28 AM 

Marty, order Releasit DS and EncapPunch. Pre-Spray w/Punch (mixed hot) allow 5 min. dwell time and then follow w/Cimex and Encap DS. (a rotary w/tank could also be used) Careful about the age issue, I know someone in Alabama who is soon to be 50


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thanks Kevin

April 5 2007, 1:03 PM 


Encap-Clean can still make you cough. The surfactant in Encap-Clean can irritate mucous membranes when it gets aerosolized into spray droplets. In fact that is the case with a lot of different cleaning products. Through my years doing cleaning I have run across a number of products that make me cough when they get sprayed.

We improved the coughing condition somewhat when we reformulated a couple of years ago, but Encap-Clean can still make you cough sometimes. However we do have a couple of techniques that will stop the problem. (1) Use a coarse spray tip (.06 or larger works fine). (2) Shower feed the solution. That should alleviate the condition.

We're still trying to find a way to add a buffering agent to possibly improve things, but so far we haven't found a way to successfully add a buffering ingredient without messing up the performance. So at this point, if you are not using a fat tip sprayer, you may still cough. I'm only telling you all this because I'd hate to see you make that trip to Georgia.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Thanks Kevin

April 5 2007, 9:31 PM 

I was gonna ask you for the gas money.

Kevin Jones

The whole story

April 6 2007, 8:20 AM 

I had two local cleaners tell me not to do business with this guy because he wouldn't pay. They said he told 'em he wasn't happy and wasn't going to pay. They stated they waited 4 to 6 weeks, after no check, they called him. I asked if they had done a quality control check, they said no. Anyway, he was referred to me. His main beef...he said he had used several different companies and no one could satisfy him; there was no way they could get his restaurant clean in less than an hour! They were finishing, in his mind, too quickly. I could see where you could do it in an hour or less. I took the job on and went in and spent two and a half hours. I left two air movers to rapid dry and help prevent wick backs. Honestly, I didn't think the carpet looked all that great, so I went back and cleaned it again a week later on me.

He was happy and I was paid immediately. Since then I've done it again and was paid immediately. I then ordered the Punch and used Ray's formula. When I went by yesterday to check on it, he wasn't in; however, one of the wait staff recognized me and said the carpet looked great. She said the owner was thrilled and had commented on how great it looked when they first walked in.

On the original clean, I cleaned the ceramic tile in the bathrooms. No one had been able to satisfy him there either. I simply took a pocket knife and got all the old mop strings that had gathered over the years from around the stall legs and out of the corners. He was very pleased. Just think, when I do it again on the semi annual clean of the tile, I now have the brushes to put on my Cimex. My gosh, what's he gonna think?

The moral for new guys or young bucks??? LISTEN to the prospect. Identify his need and attack that need with gusto.

Everybody have a great day, and remember, success starts with gratitude. Be thankful for what you have and go after and visualize having what you want.

This message has been edited by KevinJones on Apr 6, 2007 8:22 AM

Current Topic - Ray are "da man"
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS