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April 6 2007 at 11:07 AM

We have a business contact that installs quite a bit of commercial carpet that WAS reluctant to recommend us after their new installations (we convinced them we would only use gls type machines and steam). Because these guys are brainwashed by Shaw and the other major players they use no rotary, bonnet, or terry cloth can be used on the carpet or the warranty is void.

Now we use exclusively cx20 OPs and cimex with unsurpassed results but they were not buying it. Only steam extraction and 'dry cleaning' are accepted methods. Our plan is to 'dry clean with the gls type machines and use our steam cleaners only in high traffic areas once or twice per year to make them happy; for the time being anyways!

So in short can the new Windsor and or Sprint that you carry handle long hours doing commercial work with those small motors. Can a Pepsi sprayer be attached to the Windsor; we have many of those. When is a tank version coming out? How close to the edge do both of these machines get? Is the brush on the Windsor aggressive enough for commercial and if not when will new brushes be available?

How much psi is the Sprint? How aggressive are its brushes, what types are available and what are the costs? What is the working width of the Sprint? Do you have these machines in stock? If we order any of these how long will it take to deliver?

Would like to find out answers to these questions asap. If anyone has feedback on these machines or any other that we might consider please respond.

This message has been edited by tyrese_101 on Apr 6, 2007 11:12 AM


Not the Cimex

April 6 2007, 4:10 PM 

I have the brochure from Shaw that OK's the Cimex but not the bonnet method etc. I'll send you it in email.


Rick Gelinas

Questions answered

April 6 2007, 4:21 PM 

Can the Sprint or iCapsol handle long hours?
Yes. My thought would be that the iCapsol would be the way to go for your needs.

Can you use a Pepsi sprayer?
I haven't tried that. It seems like it should work. The only concern would be if it is too heavy. The machine is rated for a 2 gallon pump-sprayer.

When is a tank version coming out?
Should be out in the next 2-3 months.

Is the brush on the Windsor aggressive enough for commercial?

If we order any of these how long will it take to deliver?
Normal turn around is about a week. We have been running low on them because they are really starting to fly out of here. But we're doing our best to keep them in stock.

Rick Gelinas



April 6 2007, 5:04 PM 

Rick L: Thanks for the brochure.
My only issue is that it does not specifically say the cimex or a counter rotating rotary is permitted. It does say bonnet cleaning is not permitted but putting a floor pad on a three head rotary might be not be acceptable either. The literature we have from the sales rep says that their (Shaw etc) main concern (unwarranted mind you) is that a rotary motion can cause swirl marks and pile distortion.

Has the cimex been specifically approved. Anyone? Rick G?

Rick G: Thank you for the quick response. You did not state the psi of the Sprint.



April 7 2007, 1:36 PM 

It was a pleasure talking with you on the phone Rick G. Thanks for the clarification.



April 7 2007, 3:36 PM 

You actualy got Rick on the phone. My last 5 calls came up 0 for 5, but I did get Beth.


Del Scrivner

Re: Amazing...

April 7 2007, 4:46 PM 

Never seen Beth, although I have talked to her a few times on the phone.

I can almost guarantee she is at least better looking then Rick (sorry Rick- well not really) and if she doesn't have more hair we're all in trouble.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Joe M


April 8 2007, 1:31 PM 

Thats cause Rick doesn't like you Ray. At least thats what he told me the last time I talked to him. And he called me.


That Does it Joe...

April 8 2007, 6:29 PM 

I am not voting for him in the upcoming elections.


Re: Not the Cimex

April 8 2007, 8:56 PM 

Could you get me a copy? Or let me know where to get one.

This message has been edited by pjamiem on Apr 8, 2007 8:58 PM

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS