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From our pal on ICS

April 6 2007 at 4:13 PM
Joe M 

Cimex In A Strip Club?
Posted By Waldo on 4/6/2007 at 2:41 PM

Bid a 3600 square foot strip club today for $550.00. As I presented the owner with the bid I asked what the last guy was doing it for he said a 150 bucks. LMAO. I asked the owner how he was cleaning it. He gave me a perfect description of a Cimex. I am sorry that is just plain Sick and Wrong. People performing these kind of SCRUB and RUN tatics should be placed in jail. BTW the Cimex was doing a crappy job on this commercial gluedown.

Golden Boy

This message has been edited by jtmellon on Apr 6, 2007 4:14 PM


Re: From our pal on ICS

April 6 2007, 4:58 PM 

I think only getting paid $150 for cleaning 3600sqft is a crime. No wonder the guy did a bad job. Of course he might of done a little "bartering"


Rick Gelinas

Re: From our pal on ICS

April 6 2007, 5:00 PM 

An actual photo of Waldo...

Rick Gelinas


Real easy to judge someone

April 6 2007, 7:34 PM 

I have an event place That I clean quarterly and spot clean monthly. I went in on the intial quote and they said it had been done recently by an "HWE" cleaner (I also do HWE) it looked awful spots all over the place
dingy, etc. I immediately thought "hack" well they hire me nad I cimexed it they were thrilled "our carpet has never looked this good" from the GM and Owner and have used me for 2 years. But I will say that you can go in clean one day go in after a party and they have a bunch of fresh spills food droppage, etc so I have to say I with drew my "hack" opinion of the other guy.
It's real easy to judge someone until you actually have the account!


Del Scrivner

The Cimex didn't do a crappy job...

April 6 2007, 8:04 PM 

The Cimex didn't do a crappy job...The cleaner did a crappy job.

Maybe he needed max pads, Punch, more dry passes, bonnets, maybe it really needed an HWE flush- whatever the case may be.

However, it was not the Cimex that failed. It was a cleaner that was not professional enough to do an outstanding job for his client- no matter how it was done.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: The Cimex didn't do a crappy job...

April 6 2007, 9:09 PM 

Only partially true! No matter how good of a cleaner you are there are certain jobs for certain applications and machines.
Believe me the CIMEX is not your holy grale and wonder do-it-all machine.
So don't blame it all on people. A person only cleans as good as his/her equipment is.

We had some negative results with CIMEX machines in the past and good results with other systems on the same job....

Kevin Jones

Sorry, Harry....have to disagree.

April 6 2007, 9:21 PM 

With the Cimex, if you know how to mix it, then you know how to fix it. If you saw my post below, you will have seen that mixing it all right answered the problem. In fact, the restaurant owner called me this morning and said, "I don't know what you did, but let's do it every time". He even made a joke about not doing his office (his staff forgot and locked it so I couldn't get in it). And this guy doesn't joke about ANYthing.
Still, I don't use encap on residential, but it works wonders on commercial.......period.


Re: Sorry, Harry....have to disagree.

April 7 2007, 12:43 AM 

LOL! "If you knew how" to use it? Good grief. Is everyone who has bad results with HWE untrained? Can only ignorant people have difficulties with using a particular piece of equipment? Is using the Cimes rocket science?

I had a cola spill wick back on me from a commercial encap. job last week. Just got the call today. Does that mean I am less educated, or less knowledgeable with the use of my GLS and encap formula than another cleaner?

Or, could it just be possible that there were factors present in that environment that weren't found in the "normal" commercial account?

Harry ain't nearly as smart as he trys to come off, but he sure isn't too ignorant to run a Cimex machine as well as you and I.


Axiom's for this thread

April 7 2007, 9:11 AM 

1. Tool is only as good the mechanic who uses it.
2. It's easy to talk the talk, but walk the walk can be harder.
3. We generally always get what we pay for.
4. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably really is.
5. Keep you opinion to yourself until you've actually tried to do the samething yourself.
6. Consider the source.
7. If something can go wrong it probably will.
8. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
9. "What's up with you! It's just a job"
10. Don't worry be happy.

Kevin Jones

I didn't say

April 7 2007, 9:25 AM 

anything about running a Cimex, I said it matters on knowing how to mix it. Read my earlier post about Ray Moody being "da man". I encapped a seafood restaurant in the past that looked awful, so I went back to HWE for that account. However, after reading Ray's formula for greasy restaurants, I tried it on an even greasier restaurant and it looked great. My post was not to say that anybody's really better, but for people who learn new things, then, yes, they can do a better JOB.

Current Topic - From our pal on ICS
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS