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Bucket Heaters

April 11 2007 at 11:14 AM

Hi Everyone,

I am looking at purchasing a bucket heater for heating water when using the Cimex. Is a 1000 watt heater to hot? It will heat the water in the 5 gallon pail to 180 degrees in about 15 mins.




Re: Bucket Heaters

April 11 2007, 1:52 PM 

Mine will boil water in a 5 gal. bucket. I have poured boiling water into mine often. It might be the reason I have not had to clean it out in 4 years, LOL


Re: Bucket Heaters

April 11 2007, 2:32 PM 

Do you have a 1000 watt heater? I have one and the only time water was approaching boiling was when I forgot about it and it was about an hour later. or maybe mines not a thousand watts. better check


Rick Gelinas

Re: Bucket Heaters

April 11 2007, 2:45 PM 

Here's my tip for the day:

We have always used 2 bucket heaters at the same time.

When you first arrive at the jobsite, fill up 3 or 4 buckets (4 gallons max). Drop both heaters into the first bucket. Then as you use the first bucket drop the heaters into the next bucket, and so on down the line.

Within 15-20 minutes the water is simmering. Over 20 minutes and the water will start to boil. If it's simmering when you pour it into the machine it is still very warm when it gets to the carpet. Temperature is part of the TACT pie, and increasing the temperature is always a good thing.

Rick Gelinas


Good Tip of the day!!

April 11 2007, 3:37 PM 

Pre-Vac prep work spot clean ready carpet to be cleaned. By that time the water is boiling. I'm on my way out to pick up a couple of heaters right now if i can find some.

Rambo that makes real since. Seems logical to me.

Your Servant Alex

Joe Desmond

Re: Bucket heaters

April 12 2007, 2:26 AM 

I just got mine from Jon Don.


Re: Bucket heaters

April 12 2007, 6:07 AM 

Locally the farm supply has them for $38 and change,



April 12 2007, 1:38 PM 


Thanks for the response. We just picked up the 1000 watt heater yesterday. It will be nice to have that 5 gallon pail of hot water ready for the Cimex.
The Releasit and Cimex combo has been an asset to our business, and has continued to amaze one customer after another.



Del Scrivner

Bucket Heater Tip

April 12 2007, 6:23 PM 

For those of you that have not learned this lesson the hard way...

Bucket heaters WILL MOST DEFINATELY boil water! When the water boils it heats the bucket up too. Gloves are your friend.

I use a portable HWE and therefore bucket heaters on almost every job. On one job early on in my business I had set up camp in the bathroom- like usual.

More importantly then gloves though, if you set the bucket(s) on a surface with a low melting point the bucket can and will melt the flooring and get stuck.

I know this for sure as I had 2 buckets stick to that inexpensive rolled linoleum. RIIIIIIP......they come up, but you also leave the nice imprint of the bottom of the bucket behind too. Sort of looks like the rings on a pistol target.

I would imagine that this could happen to Olefin too (maybe) and that is what gets Cimexed most commonly.

My solution: 2 bound edge nylon carpet samples from a carpet store as insulation under each bucket. Works like a champ!

Enjoy learning from my mistake and not doing it yourself.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Thanks for the heads up

April 12 2007, 8:04 PM 

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I haven't had those ones happen yet but I'm always surprised at the little things that can go wrong. That's one advantage of boards like this where we can learn from others successes and mistakes.


A Shortcut...

April 12 2007, 9:45 PM 

Sometimes we add 4 gallons of solution to the Cimex tank and just drop the busket heater into the tank on the Cimex. I have had water boil in there quite a few times, No Problem

Current Topic - Bucket Heaters
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS