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Gift Certificates

April 11 2007 at 4:08 PM

Kevin Pearson  

How many of you give away gift certificates as door prizes at Chamber of Commerce functions, networking functions, etc?

Over the past 6+ years we have given away hundreds of gifts certificates to different organizations, charities trying to raise money, etc. We have only gotten back two in 6 years. For a long time our minimum was $75.00 and so I would give away a $75.00 gift certificate anytime I could. Our minimum now is $125.00 and so I am giving away $125.00 gift certificates.

What prompted me to ask was a conversation I had with a very successful hotel owner in our area. He told me that he gives away about 2000 gift certificates a year for a free one night stay in his hotel and tracks how many he gets back. He said that .76% comes back. That is less than 1%. I figure my return rate is about the same even though I have not counted how many I have given away. He views this as great advertising. He gets his name out and it does not cost him a lot.

We look at it the same. We will always donate a lot of gift certificates to silent auctions and people buy them and never use them.

I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

Does anyone else have similar experiences?

I would like to hear some other great marketing ideas you guys have.

Kevin Pearson

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Apr 11, 2007 4:10 PM


Re: Gift Certificates

April 11 2007, 5:28 PM 

We do the samething, we give them to school auctions and other fundraisers. And we get almost all of them back. But I only give a few out a year.

But we did a Home Show one year and at our booth people signed up to win a whole house carpet cleaning. And a lot of people signed up and at the end of the show we drew a card out of the box. I called the person to tell him he won. He said great that he will call me in a couple months when he wants them done. Well, that has been 6 years ago he never called.

Joe M


April 11 2007, 7:28 PM 

That guy hasn't called you yet cause he's waiting for your Butler to get the CRI Gold Seal.

Current Topic - Gift Certificates
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