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Question for Rambo

April 12 2007 at 6:23 PM
Joe Gilstrap 

Rambo, would you mind to tell us what your procedure is for cleaning residential? I read a while back where you said that you use cylindrical scrubbers to clean resi carpet, and that you rarely do any padding. I am curious just how you do this and get great results. Do you use Releasit, Punch or something else? Do you let the carpet dry before post-vac? What type of scrubber do you use? I would appreciate the details that is unless you have some secrets that you don't want to tell. Thanks!


Re: Question for Rambo

April 12 2007, 10:01 PM 

Joe, I use several different methods, but the one I use the most is; Pre-vac with 18" Conquest, Pre-spray hot Dynachem DS or hot Releasit DS and immediately agitate with 15" or 20" Whittaker CRB (mostly the blue brushes) Any spots are treated with a shot of Dynachem spotter mixed at 6 ounces per quart. No post vac but if there are fuzz balls, I vac them up with a Miele cannister vac (take about 10 minutes to do a 3 bedroom house with stairs) I have been doing this over 3 years now and have cleaned some houses 4 times using this method and their carpets look great and I have quite a few cheerleaders.



Re: Question for Rambo

April 13 2007, 2:17 AM 

What is Dynachem DS??


Question for Rambo

April 13 2007, 7:00 AM 

Mr. Moody,
I've been doing about the same thing on residentials with success. Most of my customers are word of mouth, repeats, as I have a 40 day job, and play in a couple ofr orchestras, and freelance. So for me the ccing is weekends/evenings when I have time. I tend to think that it is due to the pile lifting capabilities of the GLS on cut-piles, it's success at wick back if proper procedures are used. To me with so many resi carpets being of lighter colors, or distinctly contrasting colors the above factors tend to "accentuate the positive." Pile distortion generally can't be solved by any method of cleaning, you just can't put back what is gone, but CRB can help with that. Also multi-level with stairs etc, it works well. People like it when spots don't come back.
Also, I think most customers go from visual appearance. They don't necessarily get out a UV light, or a spot light, and magnifying inspection tool and get down on all four.
That is not to say I don't use my SD if needed, but there are often more than one route to get where one wants to get.
Thanks for sharing! I've always been curious about the efficacy of the different grades of brushes with GLS's. I tend to be a believer in the soft to agressive stance. Too bad the machines can't be a tad heavier.


How to make your machine fatter.

April 13 2007, 8:21 AM 

Dave, if you want to add a little weight to your GLS, go to any Sporting Goods store and buy two ankle weights, with the velcro (the way most are made) they are easy on/off. When I am doing stairs I take them off and the handle of the machine.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Question for Rambo

April 13 2007, 7:09 AM 

Dynachem is sold as an "encap" product. The main distinction is that it does not crystallize since it doesn't contain any crystallizing polymer.

BTW Here's a link that explains the role of the crystallizing polymer in encapsulation...

Rick Gelinas



Thanks Rick

April 13 2007, 10:17 AM 

Thanks Rick. I have tested another encap product from a local supplier...while it does crystalize, it does not appear to release from the dish...Releasit on the other hand works great!

It's a simple test end it works great. It's nice to be able to see it with your own eyes as it gives you kore confidence when explaining the process to your customer.

Danny Strickland

Re: Thanks Rick

April 13 2007, 7:55 PM 

Rick is correct that the Dyba Chem product does not CRYSTALIZE, but IT DOES ENCAPSULATE by forming a film around the carpet fiber!!!

the dyna chem stuff works better with a pad or bonnet system IMO.

i've used Jon Dons encap product also, its a film former and works well.

Encapping since DSC came out with Crystal Vac back in the day!

This message has been edited by grittynitty on Apr 13, 2007 7:56 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thanks Rick

April 13 2007, 8:40 PM 

"Film Former"

Can anyone explain how that works?

Rick Gelinas

Danny Strickland

Re: Thanks Rick

April 13 2007, 9:05 PM 

Larry Cobb can, if ya call him!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thanks Rick

April 13 2007, 9:17 PM 

Perhaps someone could copy and paste Larry's explanation of "film forming encapsulation" here so that everyone can read his description of how it works.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Thanks Rick

April 13 2007, 10:33 PM 

I've read Larry's explanation of how a "film former" works, and it makes no sense; however, it works great.

And, even though you explanation of how a "crystal forming encapsulate" works makes sense, I still don't ever find anything in my post vac.

I think you both make products that hide the soil in the carpet.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thanks Rick

April 14 2007, 12:55 AM 

No offense Marty, but your experience with our products appears to be rather limited. I was curious, so I just logged into our office network from my home computer (technology is great, when it works). And checking our sales records for the past 3 years shows no sales to your company. In fact I don’t recall selling any Releasit to you prior to 3 years ago either. I think that you may have ordered a sample once a few years back. At any rate, since you aren't using our products, in all fairness it really isn’t cogent for you to comment on them.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 14, 2007 7:19 AM
This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 14, 2007 7:18 AM
This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 14, 2007 1:01 AM


Re: Thanks Rick

April 14 2007, 8:31 AM 

It is true that I haven't ordered any of your product since testing it with the sample gallon you sent me.

Danny Strickland

Re: Thanks Rick

April 14 2007, 2:52 PM 

in my cnversations with a crystalizer manufacturier, he said, at dilution so little crystals are formed that over 200sf per gallon you arn't really leaving as much crystal behind as the dish tests show. its more about the detergent not being a soil attracting soloution as anything!


Film Formers

April 14 2007, 4:49 PM 

I have to admit that I use Larry Cobb's Dynachem and have now for over 3 years and find no build-up, no residue . I have been using it in my new home (2yrs. 2 months) and we are all very happy with the results. I don't know how it works, but work it does. Larry tried to explain it to me, but I will admit, it is beyond me. If you are only trying it in a saucer dry test, it will not dry to a crystal and flake off like Releasit, but that is not to say it doesn't work well. I also like Releasit and use it mainly in the commercial field with outstanding results.


Re: Film Formers

April 14 2007, 10:23 PM 


I'd be interested in knowing why you use Cobb's on residential and Releasit on commercial?


My Take.....

April 15 2007, 5:11 PM 

Marty, I use Releasit on residential if it is vacant and has olefin berber and I can use the Cimex otherwise I use the 3M sprayer to apply Dynachem and agitate with the GLS. I don't like spraying Releasit as it makes me cough a little, Rick said to go to a larger spray tip, but I haven't done that yet. My customer/clients love the smell of Dynachem (I do too) and I love the efficacy of the product on residential carpet which is mostly Nylon cut pile. And using the GLS elimanates the grooming step. I also have been known to use the Demon, OP, and Bonnet method on residential


Re: My Take.....

April 15 2007, 9:45 PM 

So, you use Releasit if nobody is around to smell it, and Dynachem if there are people around?

Current Topic - Question for Rambo
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS