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I did a demo at a restaurant today

April 12 2007 at 11:16 PM
Dave Rampage  

We stopped cleaning for this restaurant three years ago. It was great money, most areas were .55/sf and a couple areas were .65/sf. It really screwed up my schedule and we stopped cleaning for them.

They called last week and we told them we want to do a demo of another method. I did the demo this morning. I pre sprayed with encap punch and cimexed as usual. It looks like new.

Now I can clean it in the day time and I am happy we are doing it again. He said he couldn't find one company to get it clean since we left. I think that's sad because we now used both methods and it looks great.



Del Scrivner

Prices Dave???

April 12 2007, 11:36 PM 

Does that have some tile & grout in there for that price, or protector included?

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Dave Rampage

Re: Prices Dave???

April 12 2007, 11:43 PM 

Hi Del,

No. We originally got the job because nobody can clean it and they were irate because they spent $40,000.00 on carpet that was not cleanable. I did a demo and it came out like new. I charged them so much because I didn't want it because I hate nite work. We cleaned for them quarterly for a year and then stopped. We are only charging .30/sf to encap it. It's about 5500 sq feet.



Re: Prices Dave???

April 13 2007, 3:46 PM 

good job Dave, excellent price.

good to see ya post --- Derek.

Dave Rampage

Re: Prices Dave???

April 14 2007, 9:24 PM 

Hi Derek,

I keep forgetting to come here and I forgot my password and finally tried everything I thought of. So here I am. Even though I am mainly a truckmount guy, for commercial I have to say I love my cimex.

I would really like to work on building my commercial work up a little and get that cimex working more.


Current Topic - I did a demo at a restaurant today
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